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5 Ways Teenagers Can Raise Money For Their Next Youth Camp

Youth camp is probably one of the most exciting events of a teen’s summer, being able to raise the money needed to go is very important for them to attend.

We all know that sometimes raising money can seem tedious and challenging, but with the right types of fundraisers, teenagers can easily and quickly raise enough money so that they can enjoy a fun-filled Christian summer camp.

Here are 5 ways teenagers can raise money for their next youth camp:

Youth Camp Fundraiser

1. Fundraiser Party

Instead of just doing one fundraiser with one company, plan a party and invite all sorts of companies that sell products that your attendees will want. There are plenty of independent reps and small business owners that would love to come to your party to set up a display table and take orders.

Invite those that sell jewelry, cosmetics, candles, goodies, gift baskets, home accessories, and more. To make money, ask each company to donate a certain percentage of the amount of money sold toward youth camp.

2. Offer a parent’s night out

Most parents would love a night out on the town but don’t always have a reliable babysitter. For this fundraiser, have the teens host a “Parents Night Out” at the church and invite them to bring their children for them to babysit.

Charge a flat fee per child and plan activities according to age groups. You will need adult volunteers and enough youth to help out with the number of kids expected.

This is one-way teenagers can raise a lot of money for their next youth camp and parents can get some quality time together.

3. Coffee and bake sale

This is a great way for teens to raise money for youth camp.

In the weeks or months before camp, have the teens sell coffee and baked goods before and after church service.

They can bake their own goods and ask local pastry shops to donate goods or give a very good deal.

4. Car wash

Many people will stop and donate money when they see a bunch of teens having a car wash for a fundraiser. If they see that the teens are raising money to go to camp, they may even give more than the amount of the car wash.

5. Household Chores

Teens can raise money for youth camp together or individually doing chores. Together, they could clean the church and do extra work on the church grounds.

You can have a signup sheet in the church asking for families to sign up if they are willing to have the teens do chores in their homes or yards. Individually, teens can do chores at home and in their neighborhood in exchange for donations for youth camp.

What fundraising techniques do you recommend for your teenagers?

These fundraiser examples are just a few of the many ways teenagers can raise money for their youth camp. You may consider buying a book on non-profit fundraising for your church and lend it out to parents and teenagers to gain even more ideas.

Don’t be afraid to do as many fundraisers as necessary to raise the money needed for your Christian youth camp. You can even make an annual fundraiser event for your youth group and start developing a special fund for them.


Andy McClung

Andy is the founder of Christian Camp Pro. He’s been in the camp & retreat industry since 2006.

His mission is to make event planning easy for everyone. Each year, he continues to help more people with games, themes, ideas, and tips to plan the best events ever.

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