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7 Cheap Penny Crafts

Finding ideas to keep your household busy during holidays, vacation or even weekends can be mind-boggling at times. Especially when you really don’t have the means to provide them with fancy toys or even bring them to the mall for a day out.

But, if we’ll think about it, there are tons of activities that your family can do that won’t really require a huge chunk of money. Yes! You can provide them with fun crafting activities without hurting your budget!

cheap penny crafts

How? Check on the following cheap penny crafts that you can enjoy doing with your loved ones!

Penny Pixel Art

Go artsy with the kids by creating pixel inspired penny art! Decide on what design your kids or even you would like to create. For this project, they created a Mario penny pixel art.

Start by gathering your pennies and separating their colors. Using an online application, pixelized the design and lay it flat on paperboard or used cereal box. Copy the pattern using the pennies and secure with glue.

You can also color the pennies after placing them on the board to exemplify the design that you chose. Once dry, frame and hang or display your first cheap penny craft!

Penny Keychain

Jazz up your keys with adorable and easy penny keychain! All you need to prepare are jump rings, electric drill, keyrings, and of course pennies.

You can paint the penny or if you have metal stamper, then why not add your name for that extra personal touch. Using the drill, create a small hole on the penny and insert a jump ring.

Now you can attach it to the key ring! You can add as many pennies as you like or paint them accordingly.

Penny Bracelet

Let your kids sport a cool bracelet without breaking the bank. This fun coin craft should be done with adult supervision as it will require them to use an electric drill.

What’s fun about this bracelet is you can either revamp an old bracelet or buy a new chain that will hold the pennies. Just prepare some jump rings, pliers, drill, beads and spray paint.

Have an adult drill a tiny hole onto the penny, insert the jump ring and add to your bracelet. You can paint the pennies and even add some beads for that extra glam.

Allow your kids to use their imagination and creativity and creating this wonderful piece of accessories.

Penny Coasters (RESIN)

DIY Penny Coasters

This cool cheap penny craft needs adult supervision because of the resin. Gather some disposable cups, spoons, pennies, resin, Vaseline and your desired coaster mold. First, lightly coat the mold with Vaseline to make it easier to remove later.

Now lay down the pennies onto your mold. Prepare the resin and pour over the pennies. Leave to dry and remove from the mold! Now your household have cute penny coasters

Penny Coasters (CORK)

Here’s an easier take on the penny coaster idea. All you need to prepare are corkboard, scissors, hot glue, and pennies. Now what’s nice about this version is you can actually personalize the size and pattern of the coaster with the corkboard.

For an even easier idea, cut a 5×5 square from the cork board and glue on the pennies onto it. Isn’t it easy? You can also create a round or diamond shaped coaster! Add some color by painting the pennies.

Penny Starburst Mirror

Add an exciting showcase piece in your home with this very easy and cheap penny craft! All you need to prepare are a small round mirror, round wood that is 2 to 3 times bigger than the mirror, hot glue, and pennies!

Secure the mirror onto the wood with glue. Now layer the pennies around it. You can create a unique pattern to make it even more beautiful. Add another layer of pennies for dimension.

You can opt to color the pennies or just leave their natural copper color for that antique feel.

Penny Beautiful Vase

Give the house a quick glam with the help of this project. Grab some old vase, pennies, and hot glue. Now attach the pennies to the vase and secure with hot glue.

The copper color will brighten up any room and you can even color it to your liking. Add your favorite flowers and it will surely give some life to your home. You will find that decorating with pennies is quite enjoyable!

There are tons of cheap penny crafts that you and your family can do! The next time you have free time, just gather around and start creating easy and beautiful penny crafts that will surely make everyone excited.

These crafts are also perfect as gift ideas, just wrap them up and use your cheap penny crafts to make someone else happy!

How to Clean Pennies

how to clean pennies

When creating cheap penny crafts, you may want to clean your pennies to bring them back to their shiny copper state. This simple trick will bring them back to their shiny state.

Simply add Salt and Vinegar together and wash your pennies. Within seconds they will be clean and look like they’re fresh off the mint. Here is a video to help:

Clean pennies with Vinegar and Salt

Andy McClung

Andy is the founder of Christian Camp Pro. He’s been in the camp & retreat industry since 2006.

His mission is to make event planning easy for everyone. Each year, he continues to help more people with games, themes, ideas, and tips to plan the best events ever.

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