Howard Hendrix once said that 80% of the significant determinative spiritual decisions that young people make are made at Youth Camp. I know that is true because the most important decisions I made for God I made at camp.
At camp, the climate is right for God to work in student’s lives. At Word of Life Camp, we strive for a delicate balance of fun, excitement, and Bible teaching.

However, the most important element of camp is discipleship. Crucial to this discipleship ministry is his or her counselor. Our counselors at Word of Life Camps meet the campers at registration the first day and spend the next 7 days and 6 nights with the campers.
Our counselors eat with the campers, sleep in the cabin with the campers, play the games with the campers, have Quiet Time with the campers, and represent Christ 24/7.
In our research, we’ve found that campers remember their counselors more than any other aspect of camp. The counselors actually model the Christian life right in front of the campers and they become the biggest single influence in the camper’s life.
Our counselors at Word of Life have gone through at least one year of Bible Training, Counselor training, ministry experience, spiritual preparation, and accountability. They are intensely trained in child protection, first aid, ministry methods, and Bible.
They are so important to our program that I believe the single thing that sets Word of Life Camp apart from other Youth Camps is our counselors. If campers have a counselor that loves them, spends time with them, and models Christ for them, they will have a good camp experience.
Think about it. Did you ever go to youth camp as a teen? If you did, do you remember the speaker? Do you remember the games? Do you remember the theme? Maybe you do or don’t – but I bet you remember your counselor.
I do. I remember every camp counselor I ever had and each one of them helped me to form my idea of what it means to live for God. They were passionate about the Word of God. They were excited about serving Him.
They were patient, loving, discerning and had tireless energy.