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How To Plan A Christian Single Ladies Retreat

Hosting a retreat or camp for single Christian women is a wonderful way to foster and encourage a stronger relationship with self and God. It also offers an environment in which women can develop new friendships and deepen existing friendships. If you are a camp coordinator thinking about hosting a Christian single ladies retreat, here are some tips for possible themes and advice on important details as you plan your event.


You can host the retreat at a resort, a campground that has tasteful cabins, or a retreat center. Ladies probably prefer a retreat center or resort over a campground, but there have been successful retreats at both. Be sure that wherever you host the event that it is clean and comfortable. You don’t want to have women distracted by cheap hotel rooms or dirty cabins.


Search for Christian ladies who can speak an empowering message geared toward single women. Some single women can become frustrated because they want to be in a relationship or they have been hurt many times. It is important that you have a speaker who understands the issues that single women face and can offer compassion, support, and encouragement.

Christian Single Ladies Retreat Themes

Dress from the inside out. This theme admonishes single women to dress to impress but dress from the inside out. You can use Proverbs 31:30 as a theme scripture:

“Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last, but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised”

Discuss how women do not need to try to dress to impress others, but live in such a way that honors God. A pure and loving heart is more important than if others think you look good. Have workshops on how God sees every woman as beautiful, how to dress modestly yet still be in style, how to increase self-esteem, and taking care of self.

Shine Bright. Using the scripture from Jeremiah 29:11 about God having good plans for people, encourage the ladies to shine brightly in a dark world despite disappointments, setbacks, negative emotions, and so on. You can have the women break up into small groups and discuss ways in which they can shine brightly in their communities and around the world. Have the speakers focus on how Jesus was a Light in the world and calls His followers to be as well. Give practical examples as to how they can accomplish this.

Shine Bright – A book about prayer

Darkest Before Dawn. Single women normally have had their share of breakups, divorce, and disappointments. Focus your retreat on turning mourning into dancing and the dark into the dawn. Use the scripture from Psalm 30:11 as a basis: “You turned my wailing into dancing, you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy.” Offer workshops for divorcees, those struggling with emotional issues, and those who struggle with bitterness. You can also offer a workshop that teaches how prayer is essential to their daily routine and journaling can be a therapeutic tool.

The Dawn: It’s always darkest before…

Scrapbooking Retreat. Scrapbooking is fun! It is a way of keeping track of life and memories in picture and words. It has been found to be very relaxing. Encourage women to bring their scrapbooking materials and supply a good amount for them. You will be able to incorporate lessons about self-worth, love, friendship, and more as the ladies focus on scrapbooking.

Affordable scrapbooking supplies on Amazon

These are simply a few ideas that you can use for you Christian single ladies retreat. Single ladies oftentimes need encouragement, so this is a much-needed retreat. You will be thrilled at the testimonies of the ladies who attend the retreat and let go of negativity, make friends, learn valuable and practical life tips, and become stronger in their relationship with God.


Andy McClung

Andy is the founder of Christian Camp Pro. He’s been in the camp & retreat industry since 2006.

His mission is to make event planning easy for everyone. Each year, he continues to help more people with games, themes, ideas, and tips to plan the best events ever.

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