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How To Plan The Perfect Christian Men’s Retreat

As a camp coordinator, you want to be able to provide an awesome Christian men’s retreat that is engaging and transforms lives. You have the opportunity to ignite the passion in men’s hearts through inspirational Christian speakers, activities, and good music. As you move forward with planning your Christian men’s retreat, keep these things in mind for a happy and successful retreat.


You can have a Christian men’s retreat at several different venues. Some hold them at a hotel or resort that has a meeting room. Others host retreats at a campground or a Christian retreat facility. If you know that your men would love the outdoors, go ahead and book a wilderness retreat, as there are plenty of outdoor activities that the men can engage in.


A Christian men’s retreat ought to be able to greatly encourage and motivate men to become the godly men they are called to be. You could bring in a pastor or a well-known speaker that is known for his empowering messages. You can have one or more speakers and offer workshops if you’d like.


Plan plenty of activities so that the men will always have something to do. Men love to do things like fishing, boating, hiking, playing football or another sport, etc. If you are hosting the retreat at a hotel, you could take the men to a local sporting event or another exciting event happening in the area.

Christian Men’s Retreat Themes

Here are some theme ideas for your Christian men’s retreat:

Athletes for Christ. Most men love competition, so having a retreat that focuses on sports will go over well. You can hold various competitions for the men, have recreational sports games, or teach them new sports like disc golf or Ultimate Frisbee football. You can use the theme as an avenue to discuss how just as athletes train and discipline themselves to become their best, so Christian men ought to train and discipline themselves to be their best as reflecting God’s love in this world.

Promise Keeper Men. Drawing from the very popular Promise Keeper Conferences, you can admonish men to become men that have integrity and commitment to their promises in life. Feel free to take a look at the 7 promises of a Promise Keeper which encourages men to commit to and draw from them for your retreat. Learn more about Seven Promises of a Promise Keeper.

The Art of Balancing Life. Men can get so busy and focused on work that they may not spend much quality time with wives and children. This is a wonderful retreat theme to help them learn how to balance work and family. You can have different speakers for various workshops on topics such as:

  • Keep work at work
  • Managing time
  • How to spend quality time with family
  • Learning how to say no to overtime
  • Growing in your career/business
  • Relaxation techniques

World Changers. Men excel when challenged, so why not challenge them to become world changers beginning right in their very own households? You can focus on the teachings of Jesus and how He was servant-minded day in and day out. Teach the men how they can let their lights shine at work and at home. Discuss opportunities for mission trips and educated them on needy populations.

These are just a few of the themes you could use at your next Christian men’s retreat. As you continue to plan your retreat, keep in mind that as a retreat coordinator, you are fulfilling an important role for God’s kingdom to grow on this earth. Keep up the good work!


Andy McClung

Andy is the founder of Christian Camp Pro. He’s been in the camp & retreat industry since 2006.

His mission is to make event planning easy for everyone. Each year, he continues to help more people with games, themes, ideas, and tips to plan the best events ever.

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