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The Three Power-People You Need On Your Team

the three power people you need on your team dan rockwell

Isolation is the enemy of success. Ivory-towers are filled with lonely, ineffective people who feel misunderstood and unappreciated. Worse yet, isolated individuals grow paranoid, fear conspiracies and resort to controlling through authority.

Us/them thinking destroys influence.

Changing the world takes more than one. If you can achieve your dream on your own, you’re reaching too low.

Do something that requires teams. Develop an inner circle.

The leader’s inner circle:

Don’t take volunteers. Choose your inner circle. Three people are enough. Six is too many and two is too few.

Choose a:

  1. Visionary who is never satisfied.
  2. Tender heart who loves people.
  3. Doer who is fanatical about execution.

Positive qualities to look for:

  1. Hard working. Doers trump thinkers.
  2. Strong opinions and emotions. Lapdogs feel good but won’t take you far.
  3. Unflinching alignment with organizational values.
  4. Unreserved loyalty to you.
  5. Comfort saying no. Good manners are nice but not essential.
  6. Dedication to serve the organization before serving themselves.
  7. Freedom to confront the brutal facts.

Weaknesses to look for:

You won’t find perfect candidates for your inner circle. Look for:

  1. Impulsive speech.
  2. Judgmental thinking.
  3. Fiery temperaments.
  4. Egotistical attitudes.

Your job:

  1. Instigate creative tension.
  2. Honor their perspectives.
  3. Satisfy their fundamental concerns. Encourage them to look skeptically on your ideas and plans while exploring how to make them happen. Naysayers are easy to find. Make sure they can get things done, as well.

Put these people together and shake them up. Designing projects, programs, and vision that satisfies their individual perspectives. If you inspire and galvanize them your organization will follow.

The idea for developing a team of three power-people originated with Jesus and his followers. Jesus had an inner-circle of three people.

James is the doer.
Peter is the aggressive visionary.
John is the tender heart – apostle of love.

This is a guest post by Dan Rockwell. Dan Rockwell’s leadership career began with a leadership position in the non-profit world at the age of nineteen. His experience, over thirty years, includes business ownership and fifteen years as a Workforce Development Consultant for a regional Penn State Special Affiliate. Additionally, Dan has designed and delivered thousands of hours of training and presentations for local, regional, and global organizations.

Dan began writing the highly recognized Leadership Freak blog in January of 2010. Today, Leadership Freak is read in virtually every country on the globe and was recognized as the most socially-shared leadership blog of 2012 and 2013. Over 250,000 people subscribe to Leadership Freak’s social media channels.


Andy McClung

Andy is the founder of Christian Camp Pro. He’s been in the camp & retreat industry since 2006.

His mission is to make event planning easy for everyone. Each year, he continues to help more people with games, themes, ideas, and tips to plan the best events ever.

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