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3 Reasons Why Your Church Needs an Annual Leadership Retreat

Christian leadership retreats have grown in popularity over the past few years, and for good reason. Leadership is essential in the Church – something that is clearly reiterated over and over again in scripture.

reasons why your church needs annual leadership retreat

And in order to have effective leadership, there is a great need for effective leaders – Christians who are genuinely devoted to serving the Body and are well-equipped to do so.

Here are three reasons why your church needs an annual leadership retreat:

1.  It refocuses your leaders on the mission of the church.

The many stresses and difficulties of leadership can be some of the most dangerous distractions we face. If we are not careful, we can let the technicalities of serving actually eclipse the mission at hand.

Every once and awhile, we need to step back and refocus our attention on the bigger picture rather than the minute details that can trip us up every day.  Remember that what matters most is not what you accomplish, but the condition of your heart.

Leadership retreats are an excellent reminder that in leading, we have a much greater purpose: to grow the Kingdom of God.

2.  It facilitates spiritual growth.

Leaders are not only in need of intellectual growth, but spiritual growth, as well. Each and every person who works tirelessly to help operate your church is, at their very core, a person.

We all have positions and duties to fulfill, but before anything else, we are individuals, treasured by God. Often we can be so caught up in leading others that we forget to pursue our own relationships with God.

We should never neglect our Christian walks no matter how hectic life can get. Leadership retreats help to rekindle our passion for Christ so that we can personally draw nearer to Him.

3.  It is a time of relaxing and building relationships.

All in all, leadership retreats are a great way to get away from the chaos of everyday life and simply have fun with other leaders. They present a wonderful opportunity to engage in group activities that not only foster skills such as teamwork and cooperation, but also lifelong friendships.

The memories that are made during this time will not be soon forgotten, and neither will the many lessons that are learned.

A key point to remember is that, as with any retreat, a great deal of planning will be necessary. After all, we can’t expect to hold the perfect event without giving valuable time and effort to the cause. Planning leadership retreats requires careful thought and prayer, and above all, a genuine passion for doing God’s will.

annual leadership retreat

Andy McClung

Andy is the founder of Christian Camp Pro. He’s been in the camp & retreat industry since 2006.

His mission is to make event planning easy for everyone. Each year, he continues to help more people with games, themes, ideas, and tips to plan the best events ever.

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