Oh no! It’s Christmas Eve and Santa is in trouble! Play along with this gift exchange game to see how it all turns out. For this game, have guests stand in a circle with gifts in hand. Read the funny story aloud making sure to emphasize the words “RIGHT” and “LEFT.”
Every time you read “RIGHT” or “LEFT” guests must pass their gift in the appropriate direction. This is a perfect game for giving out gag gifts, door prizes, etc.

December 24th and a long night ahead
Santa opened his eyes and sprang RIGHT out of bed.
He pulled on the boots that he’d LEFT by his chair,
Threw on his coat and flew RIGHT down the stairs,
Out to the workshop to check on the toys
That would be LEFT by the tree for the good girls and boys.
A sign had been nailed RIGHT to the door with a spike
“Dear Santa,” it read, “The elves are on strike!
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