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What Pastors Really Want for Pastor Appreciation Month

October is designated as the official Pastor Appreciation Month (sometimes called Clergy Appreciation Month), and this can be a great time to express gratitude for all that your pastor has done. Pastors work tirelessly all year long to ensure that your worship, messages, gatherings, and important events are meaningful and truthful.

Pastors are truly invested in your spiritual well-being, as well as countless others both inside and outside of your church network. Their responsibilities range include hospital visits, charity, missions, preaching, counseling, teaching, church administration, and so on.

20 Meaningful Gift Ideas Your Pastor Actually Wants!

As we approach Pastor Appreciation Month, we want to approach it right. And believe it or not, there are some things we should not do to celebrate.

preacher meme

When is Pastor Appreciation Month Observed?

Pastor Appreciation Month is a Christian observed holiday in October.  A special service is held on the second Sunday of October.  This Sunday is sometimes referred to as “Pastor Appreciation Sunday”.

What pastors REALLY want for Pastor Appreciation Month

Instead, try thinking about what your pastors would want. Chances are, your pastors have lived long enough to know that material possessions are of little value. It’s best to get your pastors something with meaning and sentimental value rather than something that merely looks nice.

12 Gift Ideas for Pastors from Individual Congregation Members

  1. A heartfelt handwritten note of gratitude.
  2. Gift cards to their favorite restaurant or coffee shop.
  3. A personalized journal for their reflections.
  4. A devotional book that could inspire them.
  5. Tickets to a local event like a concert or sports game.
  6. Homemade meals or baked goods to bring comfort.
  7. A plant or flowers to brighten their home or office.
  8. A subscription to a Christian magazine or Christian gift box.
  9. A personalized coffee mug that they will enjoy using and talking about.
  10. A framed photo from a cherished church event.
  11. A custom Bible cover with their initials or favorite Scripture.
  12. A curated gift basket filled with their favorite snacks or teas.

8 Pastor Appreciation Gift Ideas from the Entire Church Family

  1. A paid vacation or retreat to recharge.
  2. New tech gear like a tablet or laptop to help with their work.
  3. A pastor appreciation party where the congregation shares heartfelt messages in person.
  4. A church-wide thank you video featuring messages from members.  Record these ahead of time and play a few during each service
  5. A financial gift, offering, or bonus from the church.
  6. An office upgrade with new furniture and decor.
  7. A monthly meal delivery service for their family.
  8. A group prayer service dedicated to blessing the pastor.

What pastors DON’T want for Pastor Appreciation Month


Every October, pastors everywhere get showered with a plethora of useless gifts from their congregation members. Mugs, pens, and small plaques are among the biggest culprits. While these items may seem quaint and thoughtful at the time, the truth is that many of them will eventually end up on a shelf, packed away, or even worse in the trash.

After all, no one wants to hoard a pile of trinket gifts with no practical value. Your pastors deserve far better than the cheapest gift at your local dollar store.

  1. Gag gifts: While meant to be funny, these can come off as disrespectful or dismissive of your pastor’s role.
  2. Items promoting personal agendas: Avoid gifts that push a political, social, or controversial agenda that may not align with your pastor’s values.
  3. Cheap, generic items: Words Best Pastor Coffee Mug, or a I Preach on Sunday T-shirt.
  4. Last-minute gifts: I understand we all have different levels in which we can give gifts due to financial situations in our lives,  but If you’re swinging into the Dollar Store or the gas station on your way to church on Sunday, I think we can agree you didn’t put much thought into the gift.  Pastors pour a lot of time and thought into our lives each Sunday, let’s take a moment and think of an impactful gift for them as well.
  5. Self-help books: These can unintentionally imply that you think your pastor needs improvement.  Focus on appreciating them, encouraging them, and supporting them during pastor appreciation month.
10 Heartfelt Pastor Appreciation Poems to Share

BONUS: A Biblical Timeline Chart

Biblical timeline charts are fantastic ways to display important events as they happened in the Bible. These charts go great in church foyers, pastor offices, and even your home. A biblical timeline is a great conversation piece as well. Display one and you’ll quickly have people gathering around it and talking.

Consider Your Pastor’s Hobbies

Another thing to consider is your pastor’s hobbies. Remember: pastors are people too! Outside of preaching and managing the church, your pastors have things that they like to do in their spare time.

If you don’t know them well enough, ask someone who does. Or even better – start developing that relationship now, so that every year when October comes around, you aren’t completely at a loss for what to get them.

Maybe your pastor is into motorcycles or RC planes. Maybe they like to paint or play an instrument. If you invest in something that specifically relates to their interests, they will not only appreciate the gift but appreciate your thought and sincerity, as well.


Ultimately, the purpose of Pastor Appreciation Month is not to donate all your useless junk or use up the extra cards you have lying around the house. The purpose is to truly give back to those who have given you so much. If you’re still having trouble, consider a card with one of these Pastor Appreciation poems.

During this time, we should show our pastors the love of Christ and really get to know them – not just as mentors, but as friends and fellow believers.

This second Sunday of October, put some thought into how to best show your appreciation for your pastors. Expect nothing in return and simply give by the grace of God.

best gifts for Pastor Appreciation Month

Andy McClung

Andy is the founder of Christian Camp Pro. He’s been in the camp & retreat industry since 2006.

His mission is to make event planning easy for everyone. Each year, he continues to help more people with games, themes, ideas, and tips to plan the best events ever.

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