Most people aren’t fond of fruitcake, but everyone loves a good Christmas gift exchange game! For this game, have guests stand in a circle with their gifts in hand. Read the humorous story aloud putting emphasis on the words “RIGHT” and “LEFT.”
When the word “RIGHT” is read, guests should pass their gifts to the person on their right. When the word “LEFT” is read, they should pass the gift to the person on their left. When the story ends the gift in their hands is the one they keep! This is a great game for laughs as guests juggle gifts back and forth!

Some well-meaning (or maybe not well-meaning) friend or relative has LEFT you with a fruitcake as a holiday gift. Lucky you! You have no clue what to do with the thing other than chuck it out, RIGHT?
But wait, before you toss it out, there may be some alternative uses for that lovely, lumpy cake-brick full of red and green bits of gelatinous goo. Fruitcake is uncommonly dense since it’s apparently made of LEFT-over bottle corks and pencil erasers.
It could be RIGHT useful as insulation for your house during the cold winter months. A good layer of fruitcake LEFT between your walls could keep your home insulated for at least twenty years without needing to be replaced!
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