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RIGHT/LEFT Gift Exchange Game – The Nativity Story

God gave us a wonderful gift when He gave us His son. This game follows the gift-giving theme with a fun twist. For this Christmas story themed game guests should stand in a circle with their gifts in hand. Read the story aloud, putting emphasis on the words “RIGHT” and “LEFT.”

When the word “RIGHT” or “LEFT” is read, guests must pass their gifts in the appropriate direction. At the end of the story, the gift in their hands is the one they keep! This is a great way to hand out door-prizes, gag-gifts, etc.

The Nativity Story - A Christian Gift Exchange Game for Christmas - RIGHT/LEFT

The two weary travelers LEFT the dark, dusty road and entered the crowded town of Bethlehem. Everywhere they looked people bustled RIGHT past them, heading toward places of rest.

They had all LEFT their towns and villages and come to Bethlehem loaded down with bags and baskets in order to be registered and counted.  The young woman sighed. She was exhausted RIGHT down to her bones.

Even though she was due to give birth at any time, she had journeyed RIGHT beside her husband to Bethlehem. The trip had been long and tiring, and more than anything the young woman just wanted to fall RIGHT into bed and rest.

Click the download button above to get the rest of the game.

nativity story christmas game
right left game nativity story

Love the Nativity story?  You may also like this simple DIY Nativity craft!

Be sure to check out our master list of the best Christmas games!


Andy McClung

Andy is the founder of Christian Camp Pro. He’s been in the camp & retreat industry since 2006.

His mission is to make event planning easy for everyone. Each year, he continues to help more people with games, themes, ideas, and tips to plan the best events ever.

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