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5 Fun Games with Donuts

Are you having a church activity soon and want to enjoy some fun food games without breaking the bank? We have you covered with these fun games with donuts! These games are both enjoyable and filling because you get to indulge in everyone’s favorite snack while having a good time!

Kids will definitely love these games with donuts. Adults will love the experience too because they don’t have to stress out with the complexity some games require in order to organize! Now grab your favorite box of donuts or an assortment of everyone’s favorites and let’s start playing (and snacking)!

These are 5 fun games with donuts

games with donuts

Roll, Donut, Roll

Have you ever thought of how racing feels? Curious? Then, this is a perfect game to try! Prepare a long table as the race track. Create a track out of painter’s tape.

Make sure to clean the table thoroughly as we will be using donuts as your race car and chopsticks as the controller to make the donuts roll. Prepare the race track by placing a start line at the edge and the finish line on the other edge.

Have 2 players stand on the other side of the table, parallel to each other. Place 2 donuts on the start line and at your mark, the player will roll the donuts to the finish line with the use of chopsticks! Create teams or have a progression bracket to see who is the fastest donut racer!

Donut Fishing Game

Be a fisherman for a day with this exciting game with donuts! Create your very own fishing rod with the use of a ruler, string, and a big hook that isn’t sharp like this one.

The exciting part here is there’s no water and the donuts will be your fish to catch! Have each player stand in a circle. Place a clean linen at the center and pile it with donuts.

With their makeshift fishing rod, the players have to catch a donut! After a one minute timer, the player who successfully catches the most donuts without it falling from the hook wins!

Afterward, everyone can enjoy their catch.  This may be a good time to discuss Jesus and the Miraculous Catch of Fish. (John 21)

Fun Donut Relay

Let’s put a twist on the all-time favorite relay game by using donuts! You need to provide metal spoons for each player, 1 chair and 1 donut for each team (4 to 5 members). Start by having each fall in line.

Now place a chair at the end of the room in the line of each team. Each player will have to bite on the spoon to get ready.

The first player will place the donut on the end of their spoon and will walk her way to the chair and will quickly go back to her team. He or she will then transfer the donut to the end of the spoon of her teammate and it’s her/his turn to walk towards the chair and back. First team who’ll finish the relay wins and can get to enjoy all the donuts!

Donut Eating Game

Try this very simple yet fun game with donuts and some kitchen twine! Grab each donut and hang each donut at a low lying tree or clothesline. Attach the donuts with random height to make the game slightly more challenging. Now have each player line up in front of each donut and let the race begin!

The players should finish eating the donut while their hands are tucked behind them. This game may sound easy, but don’t be fooled because it will surely bring laughter to the room.

Aim and Shoot that Donut

Grab some donut holes and plastic bowls for this fun game with donuts! Set up the place by placing plastic bowls at the end of a clean table.

Now have each player stand at the other edge and give them a bag of donut holes. The goal is to aim and shoot the donut holes into the plastic bowls.

The player who shoots the most donut holes into the plastic bowl will win this shooting game. To make sure that no donut will be put to waste, attach a clean linen at the edge of the shooting area to catch the donut holes that miss the bowls. Enjoy these donut holes as the prize or snack after the game.

Fun games don’t have to be expensive! All you need is group participation with a little imagination and a box of donuts!  You’re definitely in for a delicious and enjoyable time.  You should always take precautions in any game and be safe! 

Looking for other fun games?  Try these:


Andy McClung

Andy is the founder of Christian Camp Pro. He’s been in the camp & retreat industry since 2006.

His mission is to make event planning easy for everyone. Each year, he continues to help more people with games, themes, ideas, and tips to plan the best events ever.

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