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Catching Fire: Igniting Our Faith in God – Youth Camp Theme

Designed for those new in the faith and those who have grown cold, this camp establishes the perfect foundation for those who need a jumpstart on their faith in the Lord both spiritually and practically. Focus scriptures: Ephesians 2:1-10; James 2:14-25

This is all about real world evangelism in a way that is relevant and engaging for our young people. An approach that will help keep them close to God. 

catching fire youth camp theme

Scripture Focus

Ephesians 2:1-10 – Made Alive in Christ

This scripture speaks to God sending His son to save us. It shows us how graceful and merciful God is by how He made us alive in Christ. 

James 2:14-25 – Faith and Deeds

This scripture shows how putting our faith into action causes us to lose all prejudice to treat others fairly and with grace, regardless of the differences that separate us. 


How Do I Schedule Time with God?

When it comes to igniting or reigniting your faith, routines are essential. If you don’t feel like your flame of faith isn’t burning as bright as you know it should there’s a chance it is that you are not having enough God time. 

Find time in your day to schedule some time just for God. You can read your Bible and pray, or you can simply start going to church regularly if you have stopped.

No matter what your choice is, make time to actively spend time with God. It can be in the morning first thing when you wake up, or at night before you go off to sleep. 

How Can I Surround Myself with Faithful People?

There are a few things you can do to surround yourself with faithful people.

  • Identify the types of people you want in your life and make a list.
  • Look for groups or activities that align with your values and interests.
  • Get involved and start building relationships with like-minded individuals.

Chances are the people attending this youth conference are all looking to surround themselves with like-minded believers.

Continued Reading: How to make friends at youth camp.

How Can I Give Back?

Our focus text James 2: 14 – 25 speaks on faith and deeds. Anyone who volunteers can tell you that there is no better feeling. Helping others is always a great way to give back!

And not only does it make you feel good, but it also makes God happy too. The Bible is very specific about how important it is for us to prioritize acts of giving and helping others. As you are being a shining a light to the world through volunteering and serving others, your faith will begin to burn more brightly than ever before.

Igniting Our Faith in God Games

The Walk of Faith Blindfold Activity With Lesson About Your Faith

Blindfold Activity With Lesson About Your Faith (FUNNY & POWERFUL!)

Create groups of three and blindfold the middle person. All three players form a line with the person in front and to the back, guiding the blindfolded player through an obstacle course.

Once the guided tour is done, the blindfolded person is taken back to the beginning of the obstacle course and must complete the course by themselves.  

If the player is successful in making it to the end of the course, the team wins. If not, another team member will be blindfolded and the process is repeated. 

Administrators will change the pattern of the obstacle course for every new member that has to go through it. 

View more Blindfold games here.

Back to Back Get Up

Two players sit on the floor back to back, with feet flat on the floor and arms hooked together. The knees are up and towards the chest. Both players will attempt to get off the floor to a standing position without the use of their hands. Each time the group successfully stands up, add another team member to the group. 

Tangled Up Game

Create small groups of 8 to 10 people. Each person will hold the hand of someone not immediately next to them. Once hands are held, there is no letting go.

Players must now untangle. The first group to become untangled, forming a circle, wins. Groups lose if someone lets go of one of the hands they are holding.  

Igniting Our Faith in God Craft

Fire Tornado Craft

Best Fire Tornado - DIY - no moving parts!

This is the perfect focal craft for the “Catching Fire Youth Camp Theme“! It is guaranteed to captivate your youth.

*ALWAYS confirm with your youth camp facility to make sure fire examples are allowed and make sure to use proper safety gear!

This craft should have the glass or plexiglass components created ahead of time. Allow youth the position the walls to create the maximum fire tornado.

During this time, tie in the scriptures and explain how they are like the glass, and by allowing God to flow through them constantly their internal fire will grow.

Campfire Creation for Little Kids

How to Make a Preschool Fire Craft : Crafts for Kids

This campfire creation is an easy paper-based craft for smaller kids. Use this craft as a lesson that each campfire is unique and shines its light in different ways.

Seeds of Faith Craft 

Each member gets a seed packet, which they will color, and seed-shaped pieces, where they will write down Bible verse words that can help them to grow in faith. 

On the back of the seed packet will be the statement: 

“These “seeds of faith” will help you grow, through God’s power, a lovely child of God who will produce abundant fruit of God’s glory.”

Plant any time of year in all zones. 

Start seeds indoors any day and any time. Plant new seeds daily to ensure the fruit of the spirit crop continues to grow. Don’t forget to fertilize with understanding and love. 

Seeds of Faith Bottle Craft

Mustard Seed Faith Bottle Craft

This is a more complex craft that is an ideal choice for teenagers and young adults. The craft is also a nice take home from camp and provides a permanent reminder of the faith activity. 

In Summary

It is no secret that we are always in need of a boost in our faith. To stay in faith, we have to make it a part of our daily lifestyle. As hard as it is for adults, our kids and teens have it equally hard, or maybe even a little harder.

The Catching Fire: Igniting Our Faith in God camp theme is the perfect initiative to help them stay close to God and keep their fire of faith burning brightly.

Find more Youth Camp Themes here.


Andy McClung

Andy is the founder of Christian Camp Pro. He’s been in the camp & retreat industry since 2006.

His mission is to make event planning easy for everyone. Each year, he continues to help more people with games, themes, ideas, and tips to plan the best events ever.

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