There may be times when you know your retreat has an important purpose, but you just can’t pinpoint it exactly. This can be frustrating, because you can’t be sure of what areas to focus on to best fulfill that purpose. So here are some helpful tips on how to determine the purpose of your ladies’ retreat.
Take a look at your goals
There is no such thing as a purposeless goal. All goals ultimately point to a bigger goal, which is often indicative of your purpose. For some, the end goal and the purpose are the exact same thing. In Philippians 3:14, the apostle Paul says, “I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” Thinking spiritually, our goal should always be to do God’s will- long term. Thinking practically, our goal depends on what we want to achieve- short-term. Combining the two, your purpose is something that you want to accomplish in order to glorify God.
Determine what areas you’re focusing on the most
If you truly care about your retreat, the chances are that you’re already working toward a purpose that you may not even know exists. Whatever area you give the most attention to is likely to have something to do with that purpose. For example, if you find yourself constantly working on group games and activities, perhaps the purpose of your retreat is to build friendships between all the women who are involved.
It’s not all about your interest and focus, though. If you are truly skilled in a certain area, you should always be looking for ways that you can use your talents to make the retreat a success. If your purpose involves something that you’re good at, the path to the goal will becoming much clearer. Keep an eye on things that you’re passionate and particular about, and that may just be your greatest clue.
Observe the impact
The best way to determine the purpose of your ladies’ retreat is to look at the ways in which it has already impacted lives. If you’ve held them in the past, try to remember what kind of positive feedback you received. If this is your first time, you may find that even the planning process itself can inspire and motivate people. You may plan for your retreat to have a certain effect, but God can use you in ways that you could never even imagine. The purpose of your retreat is yours to determine, but the impact that it will have is God’s to control.
Special thanks to South Mountain Family Camp for sponsoring this article.