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10 Bible Verses On Being Kind

10 Bible Verses On Being Kind

Are you a kind person?  Do you often go out of your way to spread kindness towards others?  Do you know how to be kind?  Are you reflecting Christ in your kindness? Do you need a quick list of Bible verses on being kind? Kindness is a great act that one...

A Family Tree Mini-Retreat to do at home

A Family Tree Mini-Retreat to do at home

This year, you've probably spent a lot of extra time with your family due to the country's social distancing. With many camps and retreats canceled, here is a family tree mini-retreat that you can easily do with your loved ones at home. This is also a great theme to...

A Women’s Retreat Theme for the Teachers

A Women’s Retreat Theme for the Teachers

The beginning of a new school year can be an exciting time, but it can also be a source of anxiety. Back-to-school time means new faces, new places, and new challenges. It's not only students who can feel overwhelmed by the start of school. Teachers often feel anxious...

A Complete Back To School Inspired Youth Camp Theme

A Complete Back To School Inspired Youth Camp Theme

When the summer draws to a close, it's time to start thinking about heading back to school. A Back-to-School retreat can be a great way to get young people ready and excited about a new school year. Having a Back-to-School retreat can also be a fun activity to end the...

FREE Camp Coloring Book for Kids!

FREE Camp Coloring Book for Kids!

The "Ultimate Youth Camp Coloring Book" is a camp coloring book that I released on Amazon a few years ago to give camp coordinators fun coloring activities for kids at summer camp. Now it's FREE! This free camp coloring book contains 27 hand-drawn images displaying...

Hydro Dipping: Everything You Need to Know

Hydro Dipping: Everything You Need to Know

Hydro dipping is an extremely fun way for you to decorate almost any item that can be completely submerged in water. The activity is fun to complete and you get a memento when you are done. With the ability to hydro dip almost anything, you can add a blast of color to...

Love Letters – A Valentine Left Right Game

Love Letters – A Valentine Left Right Game

Love doesn’t always blossom right away. Use the following story based on love letters as a fun way to hand out gifts or door prizes over Valentine’s Day or even a Valentine's Day marriage retreat. Each guest receives a gift and takes place in a circle. The story is...

Custom Silicone Wristbands for Camp

Custom Silicone Wristbands for Camp

Youth camps can benefit from using custom wristbands and more specifically silicone wristbands in a number of different ways. When having kids and teens at camp, these wristbands offer a cost-effective way to identify campers and even allows you to easily group them....

My Summer Camp Programming Podcast Interview

My Summer Camp Programming Podcast Interview

Recently, I had the honor of being a guest on the Summer Camp Programming Podcast with Curt and Chris.  During the podcast, I was able to talk about my personal experiences running a faith-based retreat facility with my family. If you would like to know a little...

Life-Size Battleship – Interactive Youth Group Game

Life-Size Battleship – Interactive Youth Group Game

This unique life-size battleship game was patterned after a highly successful strategy game called Battleship. In this version, people represent the ships and are placed on a life-size grid. The set up is a bit intense and will take a bit of time to prepare and set up...

Refreshing Mountain

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