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You’ve Been Jingled: A Christmas Game that Spreads Joy

Imagine hearing a knock on your front door or hear the doorbell ring while you’re doing something. Then you got up your seat and stopped whatever you’re doing to check it out with a slightly grumpy face ‘coz we know everyone hates checking who’s at the door.

But what if you found a bag of treats at the front door with a cute “You’ve been jingled” sign attached to it? I’m sure at first you’ll find it intriguing and will check the bag if it’s not a prank right?

youve been jingled christmas game

But, what if once you open and checked the bag, you’ll find a note explaining the amazing idea behind “You’ve been jingled”.

Then, I’m definite that the wondering emotion of your face will turn to a big happy grin.  

You’ve been jingled is a fun, surprising and definitely exciting family tradition especially during the Christmas season. It’s a nice way to promote the spirit of gift giving without the need of saying, “Hey! The gift’s from me.”

Which can actually give you that satisfying Christmas feeling while staying anonymous. Another wonderful reason to love this tradition is it can easily strengthen the relationship between you and your neighbors.

They may not know that you’re the one who “jingled” them, but receiving a gift from a random person can spark that interest in doing the same thing which will actually benefit everyone in the community.

You’ve Been Jingled!  What Now?

Congratulations you have a secret friend who prepared this special treat bag to surprise you! And now you have the opportunity to do the same. But do remember that there’s no pressure to do the same, especially if you’re not capable of doing this act due to budget constraints. No need to worry, just enjoy your special bag of treat and share a little prayer for your secret friend.

Do you want to do this tradition as well? Then go find the special sticker and leaflet that will help you start. In this leaflet, you’ll find the “You’ve been jingled” song which will explain the tradition.

Now it’s time to stick the “we’ve been jingled” sticker in a visible spot of your home like front door or gate. And we’re ready to set up our first treat bag!

How to Create Your Very First Jingle Treat Bag

Anything can be included in the Jingle treat bag that’s why it is no pressure to prepare one. Once you’ve decided that you want to jingle other people as well then you can start with the following treats to include in your first ever surprise bag:

  • Candies and chocolates
  • Baked goodies
  • DIY gifts like coasters, key chains, ref magnet, Angel Christmas Ornaments, felt crafts, etc.
  • Toiletries
  • Chocolate and eggnog mixes
  • Small toys
  • Christmas decorations
  • Candles
  • Prayer notes and inspirational quotes card
  • DIY accessories
  • Treats for pets (because they deserve some love as well)
  • IMPORTANT: You’ve been jingled poem leaflet (printable below)

A few of my favorite “You’ve Been Jingled” gifts are:

The You’ve Been Jingled Poem

There are actually many versions of the jingled poem while some say or use the phrase “You’ve been elfed” which is totally okay and will depend on you. You can also make your own version of the poem or include this “You’ve Been Jingled” one below which is a great “You’ve been elfed” alternative in your treat bag:

You’ve Been Jingled!
The Christmas Elf is jingling around.
Ringing the bells of the homes he has found.
Leaving some goodies for a happier season.
Continue this jingling, you have a good reason.
First, post this Elf near your front door.
Do it soon or you may get some more!
This will let the other Elves know of your visit.
Be sure to participate, you don’t want to miss it!
Second, make two goodies & two copies
Deliver them to two neighbors and try to stay calm.
Jingling the doorbell, its certainly fun,
To act like an Elf and then Run, Run, Run!
You only have one day to act, so begin.
Leave it at a door where the Elf hasn’t been.
Deliver when the time is just right.
Ring the doorbell and stay out of sight!
The Jingling Elf wants to bring everyone joy
Visiting the homes of every good girl and boy
This is all in good fun and we all we are trying to say,
Is have a Merry Christmas & Happy Holiday!

youve been jingled poem

Where to Jingle?

You can take this tradition anywhere you like! Start with your neighborhood and move on to your workplace. This can also be done in schools promoting the importance of gift giving amongst the students.

Free Jingled Christmas Printables

Since we’re on the topic of sharing, then we’re sharing the following printables to help you start with your first “You’ve been jingled” tradition! Print, cut and you’re all set to jingle your neighbors!

youve been jingled print

youve been jingled notify

Christmas season is not the only time to share and bless others, you can actually promote or practice this tradition all throughout the year to touch other people’s lives. You’ll never know, the person you’re sharing a bag of treats can be in a deep and sad situation and this act can instantly lift them up.

All in all, whether it’s a secret or not, let’s remember that gift giving can be really beneficial to you and to others as well. Have a happy Christmas!

Looking for more Christmas games?

youve been elfed alternative game

Last update on 2024-08-21 at 06:57 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API


Andy McClung

Andy is the founder of Christian Camp Pro. He’s been in the camp & retreat industry since 2006.

His mission is to make event planning easy for everyone. Each year, he continues to help more people with games, themes, ideas, and tips to plan the best events ever.

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