Save Time Planning Your Next Event With This Free Retreat Planning Checklist!


6 Tips for Someone Planning A Retreat for the FIRST TIME!

6 Tips for Someone Planning A Retreat for the FIRST TIME!

Last month, we asked a few members from the Christian Camp Pro community a question: What was the one thing you would share with someone planning a retreat for the first time? We received a lot of great responses! After reading through them, here are 6 categories that...

Gaga Ball: Everything You Need to Know

Gaga Ball: Everything You Need to Know

If you haven't heard of this game, it's all the craze, and I can guarantee your youth have.  It's called Gaga ball, but what is Gaga ball? It's a game played in a pit that is similar to dodgeball.  The game originated in Israel and gets its name from the...

5 Pool Noodle Games You Should Try

5 Pool Noodle Games You Should Try

Pool noodles – they're light, hollow, and made to assist new swimmers and even used to reach people in need of rescuing.  These buoyant foams come in different colors and sizes which makes them the perfect accessory for swimming. But, have you ever thought about...

5 Fun Games with Hula Hoops – #4 IS MY FAVORITE!

5 Fun Games with Hula Hoops – #4 IS MY FAVORITE!

Growing up, I’m sure we all played with the hula hoop and creating fun hula hoop games was a weekend tradition. Hula hoops have stood the test of time because they’re affordable, easy to find, and involve many games to solo or with your friends. Remember the "good old...

10 Leather Crafts for Men

10 Leather Crafts for Men

Do-It-Yourself projects are almost always going to be a favorite among men. This type of activity gives a guy a chance to showcase what they do best, work with their hands and show new skills that they’ve learned. DIY leather crafts for men give a man something they...

The Original Saran Wrap Ball Game

The Original Saran Wrap Ball Game

They say life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get. True as it may be, every day we’re opening a new chapter with an unknown kind of surprise that we’ll be facing. Just like the game that we’ll be discussing today! Imagine a saran wrap...

Just Another Day in the Life of a Woman – Right/Left Game

Just Another Day in the Life of a Woman – Right/Left Game

Happy Mother's Day! Use the following story as a creative and fun way to give out door prizes or gag gifts to a group of mothers this Mother's Day weekend. Have any number of moms sit in a circle and give them all a gift. Read this humorously and relatable story aloud...

EASY Crayon Art for Holy Week

EASY Crayon Art for Holy Week

The Holy Week is fast approaching and it is best to prepare our hearts, mind, and soul again with the teachings of the Lord during this time. For some people, Holy Week feels like a dark and sad time, but it is actually a beautiful process that shows how God delivered...

DIY Teacup Diorama for Ladies Easter Retreat

DIY Teacup Diorama for Ladies Easter Retreat

Easter is just around the corner, and there will definitely be ladies retreats happening during this time to discuss God’s sacrifices and His coming back to life. A fun DIY Easter craft that the ladies can do during their retreat is a teacup diorama using succulents,...

A Modern Day Titus 2 Woman

A Modern Day Titus 2 Woman

There’s a lot of pressure facing women in today’s society. But as followers of Jesus, we must decide whether or not we’re going to align our lives with God’s word.  It’s tempting to dismiss certain passages in the Bible and say, "Oh, that’s outdated—it doesn’t...

Refreshing Mountain

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