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Merry Christmitts Christmas Game

Merry Christmitts Christmas Game

Christmas for most of us is the perfect time to spread generosity and sharing towards our neighbors, friends and of course to our family. This is why during these days, we usually hold family celebrations inviting everyone to have an amazing celebration that will be...

DIY Medal Style Name Tags

DIY Medal Style Name Tags

Every time we have a church gathering, youth activity or get together, name tags are one of the things that we don’t really spend time on planning. We often use pre-cut papers or masking tape to write our names on and just attach it on our clothes. But if you’ll think...

Christmas Scavenger Hunt – A MUST TRY!

Christmas Scavenger Hunt – A MUST TRY!

Do you want to lighten up the room with an exciting activity? Are your kids mostly busy with their gadgets instead of spending some quality time with siblings during the holiday season? Or are you just wanting to try something different this year to celebrate the...

Christmas Word Scramble Game

Christmas Word Scramble Game

Before the festivities of Christmas, I’m sure that many parents are occupied with home decorating, gift wrapping and even menu planning.  The whole house has a feeling of excitement towards the upcoming Christmas celebration.  We love playing a Christmas Word Scramble...

5 Fun Candy Cane Games

5 Fun Candy Cane Games

With colder months just around the corner, it is just right to get ready with fun Christmas games that our family will enjoy playing. One iconic symbol that represents the season is the candy cane which aside from being a sweet treat that everyone loves, also...

Frosty the Snowman Story – Right/Left Christmas Game

Frosty the Snowman Story – Right/Left Christmas Game

Frosty wore a few other hats before coming to life with the magical top hat. Use the story of Frosty to pass out door prizes, Secret Santa, or gag gifts to your guests. Give each guest a gift and have them sit in a circle as you read the following story aloud. When...

DIY Woven Card Using Magazines

DIY Woven Card Using Magazines

Growing up in a Christian family and community is one of the best blessings that one can pray for. Here, you have the chance to learn and develop a relationship with God, get to meet different wonderful people who also share learning experiences and insights. Through...

10 Best Felt Craft Ideas You Should Try Now!

10 Best Felt Craft Ideas You Should Try Now!

After all these felt craft ideas, I’m sure now you'll start to appreciate felt as one of the best crafting materials! Felt is very versatile and the samples below are mostly beginner level with a few harder ones mixed in. However, with your unique creativity and...

5 Reasons You Should Be Doing Felt Crafts At Your Events

5 Reasons You Should Be Doing Felt Crafts At Your Events

For every crafter or artist finding the best material for their new art piece is one of the most important steps in creating an amazing art. Some take time to study a material while others just let their creative juices flow while discovering along the way the pros...

Refreshing Mountain

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