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BINGO: A Game That Can Be Played At Any Christian Event

BINGO is one of those games that almost everyone has played at some point in their life. It’s fun, randomized, and the perfect game to determine door prizes at your next Christian youth camp or adult retreat.

BINGO can literally be played in any fashion at any occasion including at a Christian youth camp, ladies retreat, mens retreat, couples retreat, Valentine’s banquet, or Christian banquet. You name the event, and a BINGO game can be made to play at it.

I’ve created a blank BINGO template for you to download and print at the bottom of this post or you may be interested in this great Bible BINGO game for children.

Chistian Blank BINGO Template

BINGO template set up and play

  1. Enter 24-30 words that relate to your specific event in the blank boxes at the bottom.
  2. Leave the BINGO board blank.
  3. Print or Copy the template as many times as you need.
  4. The game leader should (beforehand) write all the possible words to play on individual index cards.
  5. At your event, pass the BINGO boards out to everyone.
  6. Instruct the players to randomly select the words at the bottom and write them onto their BINGO cards.
  7. The game leader will randomly draw cards our of a hat to start the game.
  8. Each player will cover up the word the game leader calls if it is on their board.
  9. The first player to cover five (5) words in a row or diagonally WINS.

Playing BINGO takes a little bit of setup time and allows for relaxed communication between your youth or adult groups. The games go fairly quick once playing which makes it a perfect choice to pass out three (3) to five (5) door prizes.

BINGO word suggestions

Need help coming up with 30 words? Here are suggestions for specific events:

General Christian themed BINGO words: God, Jesus, Salvation, Praying, Light, Bible, Love, Peace, Joy, Anointing, Calling, Divine, Eternal, Faith, Grace, Heaven, Hell, King, Lord, Messiah, Rapture, etc.

Use the general words above as filler words, but try to select words related to your specific Christian youth camp theme or adult retreat theme. This is a great way of having your attendees remember key points of the event as they are writing and reading the content multiple times.

Free Printable Bingo Card

Download the Blank BINGO Template


Andy McClung

Andy is the founder of Christian Camp Pro. He’s been in the camp & retreat industry since 2006.

His mission is to make event planning easy for everyone. Each year, he continues to help more people with games, themes, ideas, and tips to plan the best events ever.

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