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Ideas and Themes When Planning The Perfect Christian Ladies Retreat

If you ask women if they would love to get away for a Christian ladies retreat, almost all of them would scream YES! Women are very busy with work, taking care of the kids, keeping up with the house, helping at the church, and so on.

A break from all of that is simply divine! If you are a camp coordinator who is thinking about having a Christian retreat for women, here are some valuable tips for themes and activities that are appealing to ladies.

ideas and themes when planning the perfect christian ladies retreat


Women tend to like exotic places or the wilderness. Beaches work quite nice, as you can stay in a beautiful resort and usually have a spa handy for the women who want to take advantage of tender loving self-care.

Meetings can be held in a conference room at the resort. If you opt for the wilderness, be sure that it is suitable for women.

Nature is gorgeous, but primal living conditions will not suit most women. Cute, clean cabins or dorm facilities will suffice with modern bathroom and showering arrangements.


Find speakers that are well-known for communicating motivation and inspiration to women. You can have one speaker or more than one depending on your budget or time.


It’s common knowledge that women like to talk, so be sure to have ample time for them to sit and communicate. If you have speakers talking to them all day, they might get bored.

A good solution for this is to break them up into small groups during sessions for a few minutes to do an exercise or activity.

There are many themes and topics you can cover at a Christian ladies retreat. Here are four brief suggestions:

Dancing In The Rain: This theme focuses on learning how to dance and rejoice despite difficulties and trying situations that come to life. It focuses on teaching women how to lean on God and trust that all things will work for their good despite difficult times.

You can focus on topics like Trusting God Is With Me, Overcoming Challenges God’s Way, Building A Support Network, Ways To Stay Motivated, The Art Of Balancing Time, Rekindling Dead Marriages, Redefining Yourself, and Biblical Ladies Who Rocked The World.

dancing in the rain theme

You Are POWERful! This theme focuses on how powerful women can be. Using the acronym “P.O.W.E.R.” as such:

Prayer, Others, Word of God, Equipped, and Respond

By using guest speakers, workshops, skits, and one-on-one time, women can be encouraged to become the powerful women that God intends them to be. Focus on the awesome value of prayer, the importance of serving others, the power of the Word of God, how women can become equipped for God’s service, and a call to respond with ambition.

Let The Past Go & Embrace The Future. Emotional healing is necessary for a woman to feel free and joyful. Many women struggle with emotional wounds from childhood, past hurts, disappointments, negative thought patterns, and so on.

Having a Christian ladies retreat theme that focuses on healing emotional hurts and allowing forgiveness to come forth will allow women to let the past go and embrace their futures happily. You can have a speaker teach about the topic and have times in which the women break up into small groups for a more personal session. You could also offer one-on-one sessions with a licensed counselor.

let it go ladies retreat

Women Of Royalty. This theme emphasizes the fact that women are daughters of the Most High King, and thus, royalty. Much encouragement will abound for women to see themselves as God’s precious treasure sent forth into this world to represent a most awesome King.

Topics can include: Awesome Identities In Christ, How To Hear From God, Feeling Worthy, Living Like A Princess, and Building A Closer Relationship With The King.

royals ladies retreat theme

To Sum It Up

As a camp coordinator, you have the privilege of creating a delightful and empowering retreat for ladies. Utilize these tips and suggestions to provide your ladies with a good dose of inspiration and motivation to grow spiritually and live out their lives happy, joyous, and free.


Andy McClung

Andy is the founder of Christian Camp Pro. He’s been in the camp & retreat industry since 2006.

His mission is to make event planning easy for everyone. Each year, he continues to help more people with games, themes, ideas, and tips to plan the best events ever.

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