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A Modern Day Titus 2 Woman

There’s a lot of pressure facing women in today’s society. But as followers of Jesus, we must decide whether or not we’re going to align our lives with God’s word.  It’s tempting to dismiss certain passages in the Bible and say, “Oh, that’s outdated—it doesn’t apply today.” But we are called to live out God’s calling in our lives and embrace Biblical truths as ageless.

modern day titus 2 woman

One of those passages often thrown back and forth is Titus 2:3-5. This is where Paul urges leaders in the church on how to live godly lives. First, he addresses the men.  

And then he clearly instructs the women how to live.

So what exactly are they called to do? And what does that look like for Christian women today? Let’s unpack it together!

“Teach the older women to live in a way that honors God.”

Some women quickly skip over this and say, “This isn’t for me. I’m not old! It’s for the older women in the church. I’ll wait until I’m retired and when all my children are out of the house.

No specific age is given. But that doesn’t let us off the hook. No matter what age you are, we are commanded to honor God.

So how exactly does a woman honor God? Look very closely and we are given specifics:

“They must not slander others”

It was acceptable in the Cretan society for women to slander others. So believers were called to a different standard.

 What’s slander? Making false statements about someone. Damaging someone’s reputation. Malicious gossip. 

Maybe you’re not guilty of verbal slander or gossip, but do your words or pictures on social media send a different message?

Are you guilty of gossip by deceitfully labeling it as a “prayer request” for someone else?

“They must not be heavy drinkers”

(Other translations say, “not addicted to much wine”)

The Bible doesn’t say that drinking is a sin.

But drunkenness is.

 And that’s where we must examine ourselves honestly in a culture where addiction runs rampant.

Are we running to alcohol as an escape from the pressures of work, marriage or motherhood?

If you do drink, here’s the question to ask: Am I self-controlled or does it control me?

“They should teach others what is good.”

The older women are commanded to live lives honoring to God so that they can teach younger women the wisdom they have learned.

It doesn’t mean perfection. But your life ought to exhibit spiritual maturity—deeply rooted in God’s word—to truly model what is good.

In a declining culture which redefines what is good, we must be on guard to align our lives with the truth of God’s word.

“These older women must train the younger women…”

The word train in this phrase means to teach, discipline and correct. It’s something that happens over a period of time. Not a quick fix!

It’s a mandate. Not an option.

If you’re the younger woman, humbly receive the wisdom of others. If you’re the older woman, seek out a younger woman and invest in her life. Not sure which one you are? Do both.

“to love their husband and children”

Training someone to love is only possible if you’re characterized by loving others. Does it mean you’re perfect? No! But you come alongside someone else, humbly sharing the ups and downs of pursuing your family members with love.

“to be self-controlled and pure”

In this passage, self-controlled means to use wisdom and good judgment. Sexual purity is understood here, but it also means to be pure in our thoughts and actions.

When Paul wrote this letter, women in that culture were abandoning their marriages and families to pursue their own personal pleasures.

 Our generation is no different. Even within the church, women are choosing self over their marriages and children.

“to be busy at home”

So is this scripture mandating all women should be “stay at home” moms instead of working outside the home? That’s something each woman and family must prayerfully consider.

The Cretan women Paul addresses had an issue with laziness and interfering with other women’s lives in a judgmental way. The message is, If you’re a busybody focusing on other’s issues, you’re neglecting your own household!

We are called to be keepers of our own homes. So whether you’re a stay-at-home mom or working outside the home, the question is the same: How are we doing with running our homes, managing our daily affairs, and being good stewards of what God has entrusted us with?

“to be kind, and submissive to their husbands,”

Because we’re sinners by nature and live in a self-absorbed society, we naturally resist the authority of any kind. We crave independence and don’t want to answer to anyone. But that doesn’t exclude us from this command.

In godly marriages, we should submit to one another—looking to serve instead of living for self. We should choose kindness over demanding our way. (Yes, there are certain situations where abuse and unhealthy authority occur, but that’s a whole other issue.)

What does it look like?

So if these are ageless commands, how does a Titus 2 woman carry this out? How does one realistically carve out time to do life with someone else?

It’s sitting at Chick-fill-a or McDonald’s face-to-face talking about real life while the kids are playing in the background. You might even have a baby in your lap while trying to talk.

It’s meeting at a park for a quick walk to unpack the argument she had last night with her husband.

It’s inviting her into your home for coffee or lunch, letting her vent about how overwhelmed she feels. You listen with compassion; point her to God’s word, finishing with genuine prayer.

It’s texting her encouraging scriptures when you know she’s having a hard day. Or even FaceTime comes in handy if you can’t meet in person all the time.

Instead of thinking you have to add another task to your schedule, it’s inviting her to come alongside you in your world. You can do that at home, the mall, Starbucks, or wherever your paths can overlap.

I’ve had several Titus 2 women in my life over the years. I’ve strained to hear words of wisdom with screaming kids at McDonald’s Playland. Sometimes we’ve lingered over long lunches without kids around. We’ve participated in Bible studies together. Other times it’s been quick, late night conversations in the midst of chaos.

Now I’m playing the Titus 2 woman role to other women. I had great models, so now I can do the same! It’s what we were created to do. It’s the body of Christ working together.

But above all, it’s choosing to obey God’s calling, humbly admitting you don’t have it all together. A Titus 2 woman understands God’s grace and chooses to share that same grace with someone else.

Do you like this post?  You may also enjoy A Modern Day Proverbs 31 Woman.

This is a guest post from Lisa Preuett author of Embracing the Race: 40 Devotions for the Runner’s Soul. A full review of her devotional can be found below.

This paperback devotional for runners is written for those who are familiar with the struggles of running. It is written in such a way though, that ensures that not only runners can benefit from the product.

The devotional draws many parallels to Christian life and the life of a runner. It is fully backed by scripture along with inspired content aimed at inspiring and helping people persevere through this Christian life and their running life as well.

embracing the race devotional for runners

In the same way that a runner’s thirst is quenched with water, the word of God does refresh the soul of His weary followers. The devotionals in this book will provide you with powerful motivation and inspiration through its 40 included devotional readings. Each devotional will help you to get more involved in your walk with God.

On Sale Now
Embracing the Race: 40 Devotions for the Runner’s Soul
107 Reviews
Embracing the Race: 40 Devotions for the Runner’s Soul
  • Preuett, Lisa (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 178 Pages - 11/14/2016 (Publication Date) - Crosslink Publishing (Publisher)

Key Features of Embracing the Race: 40 Devotions for the Runner’s Soul

This women’s devotional comes in a paperback version and also a kindle version. Published in 2016 by Crosslink Publishing this devotional is relatively new to the market but it is filled with inspiration for women and even men who run as well as those who don’t.

Written by Lisa Preuett from Samaritan Ministries this devotional will help the reader to focus on the word of God. Lisa is an avid runner and Christ follower who brings devotions that begin with lines that ring true to runners whether you do it on a trail or on the treadmill. The first entry in this devotional for runners begins with 2 Timothy 3:16-17. This scripture speaks to being equipped for every good work just the same way you would be equipped for your running ensuring you had the best shoes, the right type of clothing and gear etc. The devotional points to how God calls his children to be equipped thoroughly.


Each devotional has that basic structure, it starts with a verse and then provides a way in which the verse can relate to the experience of running. The truth is then tied to the experience and is followed by a challenge and then another verse then a final prayer to finish off the devotional reading. The devotionals are all fluidly written and are naturally fit for running so that none of them seem forced but instead seem more natural.

Throughout the book are devotionals following a running theme.  Don’t let that scare you, non-runners will find these devotions very related as well. It will inspire your everyday life and it will inspire and motivate your runs. Regular reading of these devotionals will help you to shift truths outside of the Bible and into your run which can help to form a better understanding of Christ and what your relationship with him should be like.

Summary of Embracing the Race by Lisa Preuett

Embracing the Race is a great devotional for runners and non-runners alike. It is written by a woman, a runner and a follower of Christ. Her experiences with running and with Christ are used in this women’s devotional to make it one of the best options out there for women who keep an active lifestyle. You will find the devotionals here very clear and easy to apply to your everyday life whether you run or not. Any reader of this devotional will admit that it is a great choice.

On Sale Now
Embracing the Race: 40 Devotions for the Runner’s Soul
107 Reviews
Embracing the Race: 40 Devotions for the Runner’s Soul
  • Preuett, Lisa (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 178 Pages - 11/14/2016 (Publication Date) - Crosslink Publishing (Publisher)

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Andy McClung

Andy is the founder of Christian Camp Pro. He’s been in the camp & retreat industry since 2006.

His mission is to make event planning easy for everyone. Each year, he continues to help more people with games, themes, ideas, and tips to plan the best events ever.

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