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Alabaster Bible Review: Should You Buy It?

Alabaster Co is known for its creative way of integrating thoughtful design alongside visual imagery. The 4 Gospels as well as other popular books of the Bible are presented in full color, infused with faith, beauty, and creativity that allows the reader to have a beautiful reading experience. They guarantee you will get a beautiful Bible when you purchase one from them.

alabaster bible review
Imagine The Bible, Beautiful | Alabaster Bible

This magazine-style Bible offers a visual experience like no other and was dubbed “The Instagram Friendly Bible” by Alabaster Co is a startup that expects to sell nearly $1 million worth of books this year, and they are targeting the Instagram generation.

Preview Product Rating Price
Gospel of Matthew Gospel of Matthew 61 Reviews $28.99Amazon Prime
Gospel of Mark Gospel of Mark 50 Reviews $27.68Amazon Prime
Gospel of Luke Gospel of Luke 39 Reviews $17.44
Gospel of John Gospel of John 130 Reviews $23.49Amazon Prime

What to Expect from an Alabaster Co Bible?

Even though the Bible has been published for many years and is the #1 selling book of all time, millennials have been one of the toughest audiences to purchase and read the Bible.  Alabaster Co has taken on this challenge and reimagined the Bible to provide books and collections unlike anything we have ever seen before.  

Bible Review – Alabaster Gospels Set

The idea that the Word of God can be beautifully presented for a more visual culture is fresh and exciting.  Relevant Magazine notes they include stunning photography to bring the stories of the Bible alive.  It’s truly a work of art!

BEST CHRISTMAS GIFT IDEA | Alabaster Bible Review | 2020 vlog

What books of the Bible are included?

The Alabaster Bible includes dedicated books for 16 books of the Bible with more being added. In order of popularity, these include Psalms, Proverbs, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Romans, Genesis, Isaiah, Ecclesiastes, Revelation, Esther, Song of Songs, Job, Acts, and Jeremiah.

Why the Name Alabaster? 

How did they come up with their name? The company is named aptly after the alabaster box.

What is an alabaster box anyway? This is a box that was given to the family of a young woman when she reached the age of marriage. An alabaster box is filled with ointment and available in multiple sizes. The size of the box and the amount of ointment indicated the wealth of the woman’s family.

Where does the Bible mention the alabaster box?  The Bible speaks about an alabaster box multiple times and stories about it can be found in all four gospels.  Mark 14 is the most common reference where an unnamed woman anoints Jesus’ head before the Passover with oil from an alabaster box.

What does the alabaster box mean?  “Alabaster Box” is translated front the Greek “flask,” “vial” or “jar”. In other translations, it can also mean “perfume vase.” 

Alabaster is a stone that was typically found in Israel. It is hard and resembles a white marble, and is a precious stone that was used to decorate Solomon’s temple. Oils, ointments, and perfumes were kept in an alabaster box to keep them unspoiled and pure. They were sealed with wax so that perfume does not escape from the box. The alabaster was strong and would keep the oil and perfume contained within until it was time for it to be used.

Will Bibles Designed For The Instagram Generation Get Millennials Into Religion?

Alabaster Co is calling this the “Instagram worthy Bible”. You can frequently pick one or more by ordering online. Will they meet their goal though? Well, according to data from the Pew Research Center’s Religious Landscape Study done in 2015, Millennials are less likely to pray or attend religious services.  So that right there is a huge target market. This is a large customer base and one that is untapped in a number of industries, including Bible publishing.  If it takes a stunningly beautiful, magazine-style Bible to reach an unbeliever or help a fellow Christian develop a healthy Biblical study practice, then who can argue with that?

In 1986, only 10% of the population of young adults did not have any form of religious affiliation. A recent study done by the Center of Study of Elections and Democracy at Brigham Young University showed that 35% of Americans identify as agnostics, atheists, or “nones”, and of that 35% half are millennials.

PRRI (Public Religion Research Institute)

The Alabaster Difference 

What sets Alabaster Bibles apart? The images! The pictures used in these Bibles are really what sets it apart. 75% of all images used were created specifically for Alabaster. So you won’t find them anywhere else. Not only that, these are not your traditional Bible images. 

Why people should read Proverbs

Alabaster was originally a kickstart project, and they have so far met 180% of their goal. 180% can’t be wrong. Try the Alabaster Bible today, we think you will love seeing the Word of God with a fresh set of eyes. Even as a non-believer seeking information on Christianity, the Alabaster Bible is a great place to start.  After all, isn’t it our duty to show the light of Jesus and help spread the knowledge of God?

Order your Alabaster Bible today!

Last update on 2024-08-21 at 06:57 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API


Andy McClung

Andy is the founder of Christian Camp Pro. He’s been in the camp & retreat industry since 2006.

His mission is to make event planning easy for everyone. Each year, he continues to help more people with games, themes, ideas, and tips to plan the best events ever.

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