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The Duck Dynasty Guide to Running a Christian Camp (Quotes)

The Robertson family, TV’s favorite family, is well-known for their crazy one-liners and unusual pieces of advice for just about every situation. They’re also family oriented, God-fearing men that have a lot of wisdom to share. Here are five lines from the cast of Duck Dynasty that offer lessons to organizing and running a Christian camp. Use them to make your next event one to remember!

“Hey, whatever lights a fire under ya” -Phil Robertson

Share your passions with the world! Whether it’s hunting, fishing or crocheting, use what you know and what you enjoy as a marketing tool to attract guests that have similar interests. God gave you those gifts and passions for a reason, so don’t be afraid to share them with others! Phil Robertson used his love of duck hunting to start Duck Commander, and his son, Willie, used his business skills to turn it into a multi-million dollar business.

“I’m down like a rodeo clown!” – Si Robertson

When running a Christian camp, no matter what your title, you will most likely wear more than one hat: counselor, cook and maid, just to name a few. The important thing to remember is to keep a positive attitude, no matter what task you’ve been assigned. At the end of the day, it’s not about you, it’s about reaching your guests and making their experience as memorable as possible. Jesus gladly washed his disciple’s feet, so don’t forget to put a smile on your face when you’re washing those dishes!

“America, everybody is in too big a rush. Lay back, take a sip of tea, mow a little grass. Then if you get tired, take a nap.” – Si Robertson

For once, Si actually makes sense here. In our age of technology, we seem to be run by our schedules and cell phones. While visiting your Christian camp, most of your guests are looking to have fun and relax, so be flexible! Schedules and itineraries are important to running a camp, just make sure that your guests are having fun; they deal with schedules and deadlines every day, don’t make your camp feel like work.

“I want my grandkids to grow up in the great outdoors. The last thing I want is for them to grow up to be nerds.”- Phil Robertson

It is well documented throughout the show that Phil doesn’t have much of a use for technology and hates that his grandkids are so dependent upon it. He goes out of his way to show his family all of the beautiful things God created. Try and incorporate the great outdoors into as many of your offered activities as possible: nature walks, archery and campfires are some very easy options you can offer that are relaxing. You’ll be amazed at how many of your guests look forward to those activities.

“Happy, Happy, Happy.” –Phil Robertson

This is Phil’s most famous line, although sometimes it isn’t clear if he’s being sarcastic when he says it. Fortunately, it can be applied to running a camp meeting. It may be an obvious thing to say, but people that are immediately greeted by a cheerful face, feel good about being at your camp. Here is a general rule to follow, if you are within ten feet of a guest, you greet them with a smile. If you’re five feet or closer, make sure you give them a cheery greeting. It will make them feel welcome and want to engage in conversation.

Duck Dynasty is one of the hottest shows on television right now. It is filled with funny one-liners that make you think. The Robertson family have strong Christian values and focus on their family. When they are not filming for their reality T.V. series, they can be found speaking at various churches throughout the country.

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Duck Dynasty: The Complete Series [DVD]
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Duck Dynasty: The Complete Series [DVD]
  • Korie Robertson, Willie Robertson, Jase Robertson (Actors)
  • Spanish (Subtitle)
  • Spanish (Publication Language)

Last update on 2024-08-21 at 06:57 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API


Andy McClung

Andy is the founder of Christian Camp Pro. He’s been in the camp & retreat industry since 2006.

His mission is to make event planning easy for everyone. Each year, he continues to help more people with games, themes, ideas, and tips to plan the best events ever.

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