What is it that stops us? Maybe we’re insecure about our abilities. Maybe we feel that others are more qualified. Maybe we simply don’t like the idea of leading others. But really, volunteering first is a great way to expand your horizons and be a Christ-like example to those who look up to you.
Here are 3 ways that volunteering first will make you a better leader:
It shows a heart of service
Volunteering requires a servant’s heart. It requires being willing to sacrifice your time, resources, and comfort for the sake of the bigger picture. It can be easy to shrink back and let others volunteer first so that you don’t have to give up the things you want to hold onto. But when you are willing to let them go, you will find fulfillment in so many more ways. In surrendering yourself, you can more freely give to the ones you are leading.
It shows a willingness to go wherever God may call
Another major reason why volunteering first can be so daunting is that we don’t always know what we’re getting into. But do any of us truly know what the future holds? God has a plan for all of us; it may not be the plan that we expect, but it is the plan that ultimately brings glory to Him. More often than not, we desire to do God’s will, but we are simply not willing to do something we’re not certain of. When you get rid of all of your doubts and simply say, “Lord, lead me”, He will not only lead you; He will show you how to lead others in the same direction.
It forces you outside your comfort zone
Comfort is the one thing that we value more than anything else. Unfortunately, it is often the only thing that stands in our way when it comes to leading. It can be easy to get stuck in our daily routines, going through the motions and saying, “That’s good enough.” There is always room for growth, though. A healthy spiritual life is one that is challenged on a regular basis. Volunteering first pushes you outside of your comfort zone and into new territory, so that God can teach you the meaning of selfless faith. Hebrews 11:1 says, “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” We aren’t comfortable with the future, because we can’t see the finished product. Volunteering first can force you out of this old state of mind so that the power of Christ can work through you in an exciting, brand new way.