It doesn’t matter if you are facing the first retreat or you happen to have some experience, organizing a retreat requires a great deal of work and meticulousness. When you’re occupied with scouting for a retreat location that meets every one of your criteria, it’s easy to become involved with minor subtle elements and disregard something basic for your retreat’s success. Be that as it may, it’s not as “terrifying” as it might appear and to help with organizing a perfect event, we have made this rundown of five things to ask your retreat venues before going ahead to book.

So ideally you’re to determine the type of retreat it is but since we already know it’s a Christian retreat, we’ll just get down to other important things.
What is the group size your venue can accommodate?
This is a very important aspect to consider as this to a large extent will determine whether to use the venue or not. It’s also great to ask what the lodging situation is, as most venues have diverse sorts of lodgings. Extensive gatherings may just have to be housed in structures with varying luxuries and rates. Remember that a few venues may require a minimum number of participants for a reservation.
Is it possible to change the specifics of my reservation?
There are always unforeseen circumstances beyond control that may result in a few changes. After a reservation has been made, a few people may not be able to attend. Inquire from your retreat venue as to whether you can change the number of rooms reserved. Depending on the venue, there might be a time limit on changes or bill you for any changes.
What policy do you employ on deposits?
When planning any retreat, it is important to prepare a budget for it. The policy concerning deposits; whether or not the venue requires a deposit, how much deposit is required, as well as when the deposit would be due, must be known. Some venues base their deposit policy on the size of the group so it’s great to have firsthand information. Not to forget, the policy on return of deposits should be known as well.
Are there any rules or restrictions?
Every organization has its policies/rules. This applies to venues as well. It is important to know beforehand the do’s and don’ts while using the venue for the retreat. We’re Christians so it’s important to obey every rule that has been set for then are we good ambassadors of Christ.
What is the feeding arrangement like?
Be sure to inquire about the availability of food and what meals are available on a typical menu. A Christian retreat or any retreat for that matter cannot be organized without making sure that there is food for every participant. Even Jesus recognized the need for the people that came to hear Him preach to eat. In the event that there are individuals with special nutritional needs in the gathering, you need to know whether the retreat venue can take into account those necessities.