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Ladies’ Retreat Themes

Pioneer Women: A Get Things Done Women’s Retreat Theme

Pioneer Women: A Get Things Done Women’s Retreat Theme

Women today have a lot to deal with. Modern conveniences have made life a bit easier, but there are still numerous challenges to deal with on a daily basis. A Pioneer Women ladies' retreat can be a useful way to encourage ladies of all ages and backgrounds to...

Overwhelming Victory: A Complete Ladies Retreat Theme

Overwhelming Victory: A Complete Ladies Retreat Theme

Can anything ever separate us from Christ’s love? Does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or hungry, or destitute, or in danger, or threatened with death? (As the Scriptures say, “For your sake we are killed every day; we...

4 Best Ladies Retreat Themes

4 Best Ladies Retreat Themes

All retreat coordinators know the struggle of discovering the perfect theme for their retreat every year, and ladies’ retreat themes are no exception. You want a theme that is faithful to scripture, but not too generic. You want a theme that is relevant to women, but...

Be Effective and Plan Retreat Themes Around Major Events

Be Effective and Plan Retreat Themes Around Major Events

If you have ever tried to come up with your own retreat theme, you know how difficult it can be. You want to be trendy and relatable, yet gospel-centered. Further complicating the process is finding enough material to go along with whatever theme you choose. An idea...

“Follow and Share” Discipleship Retreat (Theme, Games, Ideas)

“Follow and Share” Discipleship Retreat (Theme, Games, Ideas)

As Believers, we know we have been called to follow Jesus and tell others about Him. But what exactly does it mean to follow Jesus?  What is involved in being a true “Christ follower?” Often, new Christians have questions about what they are supposed to do with their...

“Love Your #Selfie” Youth Retreat Theme with Games & Ideas

“Love Your #Selfie” Youth Retreat Theme with Games & Ideas

Self-esteem issues are a big problem facing today’s teens. Everywhere they look, on television, in movies and in magazines, teens are bombarded with images of beautiful faces, "perfect" bodies and glamorous lives. Social media is also full of pictures of flawless...

“Bride of Christ” Ladies Retreat Theme with Extras!

“Bride of Christ” Ladies Retreat Theme with Extras!

Weddings are joyful and magical occasions.  Almost every little girl grows up dreaming of her wedding day, the day she becomes a bride. According to Scripture, all Believers are the “Bride of Christ.”   What better way to explore this concept than with a...

5 Tips for Finding the Right Christian Ladies Retreat Speaker

5 Tips for Finding the Right Christian Ladies Retreat Speaker

As a camp coordinator, you want to be able to find the perfect ladies retreat speaker that the attendees will love. You want a woman of God who can relate to a variety of women from different backgrounds and share her experiences while giving advice and a great deal...

How To Plan A Christian Single Ladies Retreat

Hosting a retreat or camp for single Christian women is a wonderful way to foster and encourage a stronger relationship with self and God. It also offers an environment in which women can develop new friendships and deepen existing friendships. If you are a camp...

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