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Ladies’ Retreat Themes

A Family Tree Mini-Retreat to do at home

A Family Tree Mini-Retreat to do at home

This year, you've probably spent a lot of extra time with your family due to the country's social distancing. With many camps and retreats canceled, here is a family tree mini-retreat that you can easily do with your loved ones at home. This is also a great theme to...

A Women’s Retreat Theme for the Teachers

A Women’s Retreat Theme for the Teachers

The beginning of a new school year can be an exciting time, but it can also be a source of anxiety. Back-to-school time means new faces, new places, and new challenges. It's not only students who can feel overwhelmed by the start of school. Teachers often feel anxious...

All The Single Ladies! – Women’s Retreat for Those Flying Solo

All The Single Ladies! – Women’s Retreat for Those Flying Solo

Single believers sometimes have a difficult task when it comes to being a part of ministry and fellowship in the church. So many ministries are geared toward married couples and families that singles often feel lost in the shuffle. Many single believers struggle with...

Mary vs Martha Complete Ladies Retreat Theme

Mary vs Martha Complete Ladies Retreat Theme

Women these days are under a lot of pressure to measure up in the eyes of the world. They are expected to have Pinterest-perfect homes, Facebook-brag-worthy children, Instagram-ready makeup and hair and so much more. Many feel constantly scrutinized by the people...

Bad Girls of the Bible – A Spiritual Mindset Ladies Retreat Theme

Bad Girls of the Bible – A Spiritual Mindset Ladies Retreat Theme

Today's modern media is full of examples of women behaving badly. There are shows dedicated to cat fights, scandals, and affairs. This bad girl behavior is glamorized and made to look funny and cute rather than showing the destruction the women are causing in their...

Wonder Women of the Bible – An Empowering Ladies Retreat

Wonder Women of the Bible – An Empowering Ladies Retreat

Everyone has a role model: someone they look up to and respect and admire. We draw inspiration from our role models. We mimic the way they dress and the things they do and say. Rather than looking up to Reality TV stars, music icons or politicians, perhaps we should...

Royals: A Regal Women’s Retreat Theme

Royals: A Regal Women’s Retreat Theme

Ladies, whether we admit it or not, we all have wanted to be princesses, or at least be made to feel like one. We’ve imagined a glamorous life of jeweled tiaras, parties, and indulgence far away from the tedium of common life. As daughters of God, we can claim our...

Dancing in the Rain: A Women’s Retreat for Troubled Times

Dancing in the Rain: A Women’s Retreat for Troubled Times

All of us have faced troubles and difficult times. However, we all have different ways of reacting and dealing with trying circumstances. While it's easy to become discouraged or even bitter when Life seems to be pouring rain on our heads, there's a better way. A...

Let It Go: A Freeing Women’s Retreat Theme

Let It Go: A Freeing Women’s Retreat Theme

"Let go and let God." It's a wonderful thought and a scripturally sound concept. However, it's easier said than done sometimes. We tend to want to hold on to our problems and stress and worry and agonize over them instead of letting God take care of them for us. We,...

Mothers & Daughters: A Special Women’s Retreat Theme

Mothers & Daughters: A Special Women’s Retreat Theme

Mothers and daughters share a special bond. There is something beautiful and unique about the Mother-Daughter relationship. What better way to celebrate it than with a fun Mother-Daughter retreat! This retreat can be modified to fit a wide range of ages, from young...

Refreshing Mountain

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