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Youth Camp Themes

Super Boys: A Youth Camp Theme for The Guys

Super Boys: A Youth Camp Theme for The Guys

Comic book superheroes are enjoying a resurgence in popularity. Big budget action flicks featuring superhero stars are all the rage and even television shows about comic book heroes are popular. More and more young people are looking to these types of characters as...

Super Girls: A Youth Camp Theme for The Gals

Super Girls: A Youth Camp Theme for The Gals

Superheroes have recently seen a resurgence in popularity. These days, many young people are finding their role models in the pages of comic books and in action movies. A Super Girls themed retreat aimed at young girls can help explore the idea of finding superhero...

A Joyful Noise: A Complete Youth Camp Theme

A Joyful Noise: A Complete Youth Camp Theme

There is a popular quote that reads, "Where words fail, music speaks." Music is a powerful language. It can soothe, comfort and inspire. God has given us music for our enjoyment, but also as a tool of praise and worship. A Joyful Noise themed retreat can be a...

GAME ON: A Sports Related Theme for Youth Camps

GAME ON: A Sports Related Theme for Youth Camps

Everyone likes winning and wants to be on the winning team. With a Team Sports themed youth retreat, young people can learn important ways to be a team player.  In order to win at team sports, players must train and practice and work together. In this retreat,...

Stranger Things: A Youth Camp Theme Teens Love

Stranger Things: A Youth Camp Theme Teens Love

Most young people would agree that what they want in life is to fit in and be accepted by their peers. Many are willing to go to great lengths to be considered as one of the "cool kids." They may take part in negative or even dangerous behavior to gain popularity and...

4 Best Youth Camp Themes for this Year

4 Best Youth Camp Themes for this Year

Coming up with a theme for any retreat is difficult enough, but perhaps the trickiest type of event to plan for is youth camp. Teenagers are the future of our society; so it’s absolutely essential that they have a solid foundation in Christ. If that enormous truth is...

10 Best Vacation Bible School Curriculums of 2017

10 Best Vacation Bible School Curriculums of 2017

We all know that it can be difficult to find the perfect youth camp theme, but with some effort and prayer it can be done.  The same can be said for finding the best Vacation Bible School curriculum for your church children’s program too!  VBS curriculums follow the...

Be Effective and Plan Retreat Themes Around Major Events

Be Effective and Plan Retreat Themes Around Major Events

If you have ever tried to come up with your own retreat theme, you know how difficult it can be. You want to be trendy and relatable, yet gospel-centered. Further complicating the process is finding enough material to go along with whatever theme you choose. An idea...

Refreshing Mountain

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