Save Time Planning Your Next Event With This Free Retreat Planning Checklist!


5 Quick Tips to Market Your Next Church Retreat

5 Quick Tips to Market Your Next Church Retreat

The literal meaning of retreat is to withdraw. It is spiritual in nature and its purpose is to get closer to God. It is a way to discuss one’s faith. It is the definite time spent away from normal or routine life to reconnect with God. As Christians, a retreat is a...

3 Reasons Why Your Church Needs an Annual Leadership Retreat

3 Reasons Why Your Church Needs an Annual Leadership Retreat

Christian leadership retreats have grown in popularity over the past few years, and for good reason. Leadership is essential in the Church - something that is clearly reiterated over and over again in scripture. And in order to have effective leadership, there is a...

7 Fun Oversized Giant Games (aka Yard Games)

7 Fun Oversized Giant Games (aka Yard Games)

There is something to say about good outside games at camp. While there are many common ones to choose from sometimes it is fun to bring indoor table games to the outside, but with one major difference. They must be gigantic! These oversized giant games not only add a...

10 Unique Flashlight Crafts for Youth

10 Unique Flashlight Crafts for Youth

Youth camps are great! Especially at night time. And what is the one item that all youth campers should be carrying with them at all times during the night? That’s right, a flashlight! Flashlights at youth camp are great for serving three main purposes: They provide...

The Photo Scavenger Hunt Game

The Photo Scavenger Hunt Game

Taking pictures at a retreat is a must! Through pictures, you can engage your guests on social media easily, remember past events, and even create promotional material for your next event. How in the world do you get these good pictures though? Through a Photo...

Be Effective and Plan Retreat Themes Around Major Events

Be Effective and Plan Retreat Themes Around Major Events

If you have ever tried to come up with your own retreat theme, you know how difficult it can be. You want to be trendy and relatable, yet gospel-centered. Further complicating the process is finding enough material to go along with whatever theme you choose. An idea...

How to Convince Your Pastor That You Should Have a Retreat

How to Convince Your Pastor That You Should Have a Retreat

Despite the rising popularity of church retreats, many churches, congregations, and pastors still haven’t taken hold of the opportunity have them. Some may be skeptical. Some may not have even really given thought to it before. Regardless, if you know how...

4 Manly Men’s Ministry Ideas

4 Manly Men’s Ministry Ideas

Whether your men’s ministry is booming, just getting started, or has been dragging along for years, you’ve likely wondered at some point: How can I make it better? Too much of the same thing can get boring, almost like a weekly routine. Fortunately, there are plenty...

Should You Allow Cell Phones at Youth Camp?

Should You Allow Cell Phones at Youth Camp?

If there’s one thing that every teenager of this generation holds near and dear to his or heart, it’s this: technology. Technology is so prevalent in our society and culture that you’d be hard-pressed to find one young person who doesn’t own a cell phone. While cell...

3 Commonly Underrated Things at Camp

3 Commonly Underrated Things at Camp

Planning a camp or retreat is exciting, stressful, and rewarding wrapped up in one big package.  There are many important elements to consider to plan an event and execute it without a hitch.  While arranging the perfect speaker, praise and worship team, themes,...

Refreshing Mountain

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