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Youth Camp Games

100 Tongue Twisters for EVERY Letter!

100 Tongue Twisters for EVERY Letter!

What is a tongue twister? Tongue twisters are used to improve pronunciation, enunciation, and speech clarity. They are phrases or sentences that are difficult to say correctly because they contain similar sounds and syllables. Tongue Twisters challenge your tongue and...

50 Fun and Easy Youth Group Games for Indoors (No Prep Necessary)

50 Fun and Easy Youth Group Games for Indoors (No Prep Necessary)

It's a fact that youth will stay engaged and learn better when fun games are involved. A great way to keep them having fun is by playing these fun youth group games. These indoor games are not just any games, they can also be used by youth leaders to help improve...

10 Best Dodgeball Variations for You

10 Best Dodgeball Variations for You

Do you love dodgeball? Did you know there are many different dodgeball variations to choose from?  Dodgeball is an age-old team sport that is loads of healthy fun for all age groups and can be enjoyed by both boys and girls. Just in case you need your memory...

5 Fun Games with Straws

5 Fun Games with Straws

Playing games with straws is a fun and easy way to keep kids entertained. But there's more to it than just that. Playing games with straws can also help kids learn important skills like counting, sorting, and hand-eye coordination. It's also a great way for kids to...

15+ Games with Frisbees

15+ Games with Frisbees

Are you looking for the best games with frisbees?  If so, you're in the right place.  We've put together all of our favorite frisbee throwing games in one place for you.  Playing games with frisbees is a go-to for camp coordinators, PE teachers, and...

Life-Size Battleship – Interactive Youth Group Game

Life-Size Battleship – Interactive Youth Group Game

This unique life-size battleship game was patterned after a highly successful strategy game called Battleship. In this version, people represent the ships and are placed on a life-size grid. The set up is a bit intense and will take a bit of time to prepare and set up...

Gaga Ball: Everything You Need to Know

Gaga Ball: Everything You Need to Know

If you haven't heard of this game, it's all the craze, and I can guarantee your youth have.  It's called Gaga ball, but what is Gaga ball? It's a game played in a pit that is similar to dodgeball.  The game originated in Israel and gets its name from the...

5 Pool Noodle Games You Should Try

5 Pool Noodle Games You Should Try

Pool noodles – they're light, hollow, and made to assist new swimmers and even used to reach people in need of rescuing.  These buoyant foams come in different colors and sizes which makes them the perfect accessory for swimming. But, have you ever thought about...

5 Fun Games with Hula Hoops – #4 IS MY FAVORITE!

5 Fun Games with Hula Hoops – #4 IS MY FAVORITE!

Growing up, I’m sure we all played with the hula hoop and creating fun hula hoop games was a weekend tradition. Hula hoops have stood the test of time because they’re affordable, easy to find, and involve many games to solo or with your friends. Remember the "good old...

The Original Saran Wrap Ball Game

The Original Saran Wrap Ball Game

They say life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get. True as it may be, every day we’re opening a new chapter with an unknown kind of surprise that we’ll be facing. Just like the game that we’ll be discussing today! Imagine a saran wrap...

Refreshing Mountain

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