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11 Best Devotionals for Women – Detailed Reviews

11 Best Devotionals for Women – Detailed Reviews

There are many challenges that women face every single day in their lives. Some of which are expectations from other people. No matter what you do or how much you try to change things, there will always be persons who would expect you to do things differently....

3 Best Study Bibles

3 Best Study Bibles

If we’ll think about it, we’re all blessed with a priceless treasure that we often take for granted, the Bible. It offers an unchanging promise of God’s grace and eternal life that had been with us for ages and true enough it’s time for us to take one step closer to...

3 Best Bibles for Toddlers

3 Best Bibles for Toddlers

Aside from providing the best life and healthy living condition to our toddlers, one of the most important gifts that a parent can give to their little ones is to train them up with a God-centred life. Preparing our toddlers for growing up with righteous mindset can...

5 Best Bibles for Beginners: The New Christian Family Starter Kit

5 Best Bibles for Beginners: The New Christian Family Starter Kit

To live a life with your family and loved ones can be considered a good life, but having a life with God in the center of your household is something better. As written in John 17:3, Jesus uttered, “This is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and...

5 Best Bibles for Moms

5 Best Bibles for Moms

Are you looking for the best Bibles for Moms? Great! A mom-specific Bible is the perfect gift idea for Mother's Day, Christmas, or your mother's birthday. Why get a Mom Bible? Let me share some thoughts to answer that question. Our moms (or you as a mom) face a daily...

11 Best Bibles for Journaling – Detailed Reviews

11 Best Bibles for Journaling – Detailed Reviews

Sometimes we have the urge to start opening and reading our Bible that has been seating in our house for ages. A calling inside attracts us to grab that powerful book of prayers, learning, and verses that will guide us in our lives. But, often we neglect that calling...

8 Excellent Christian Retreat Planning Books

8 Excellent Christian Retreat Planning Books

As many of you know Christian Camp Pro released a Christian retreat planning book titled "The Ultimate Retreat Planning Guide: A Complete Resource for Anyone Who Wants to Plan Great Retreats & Camps with Practical Step by Step Instructions." This book has helped...

7 Best Bibles for Men – Detailed Reviews

7 Best Bibles for Men – Detailed Reviews

Are you looking for a new men's bible and want to choose from the best bibles for men? There are many options to choose from and it is easy for things to get overwhelming. You will find many a bible with charts, character studies, maps and commentary to name a few...

8 Best Bibles for Women – Detailed Reviews

8 Best Bibles for Women – Detailed Reviews

Are you a female looking for a way to improve your relationship with Christ? As this need led you to search for reviews of the best bibles for women? Let us help you find the best Bible that suits your needs and your life. Each woman has her own set of daily struggles...

3 Best Bibles for Youth

3 Best Bibles for Youth

Adolescence can be an overwhelming time. For perhaps the first time in their lives, teenagers struggle with serious issues such as identity and insecurity. In many cases, they may not be sure where to turn. But the Word of God is a safe haven for all who run to it. It...

Refreshing Mountain

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