Save Time Planning Your Next Event With This Free Retreat Planning Checklist!


The 10 Best Summer Youth Camp Themes

The 10 Best Summer Youth Camp Themes

Summer is just around the corner and that means only one thing for teens—youth camps! Yes, it’s that time of year again when youths from different churches plot their schedules around one of the most highly anticipated events of teens. If you’re an organizer, you may...

5 Reasons your Youth Group should Buy a GoPro for your Next Camp

5 Reasons your Youth Group should Buy a GoPro for your Next Camp

In any youth group, one of the main things everyone will be walking away with from their experience is a memory, something they will want to hold on to for a very long time. GoPro cameras are the best-designed cameras for youth groups and will make those...

My Father Left Me The Ultimate Inheritance

My Father Left Me The Ultimate Inheritance

The death of my dear earthly father is still fresh and I am writing this article with tears in my eyes. I had a wonderful Godly father which is in itself one of the most valuable gifts God could ever give a child. We buried my Dad of who lived to the age of 80 this...

10 Quick Minute To Win It Easter Games – #6 Is Genius!

10 Quick Minute To Win It Easter Games – #6 Is Genius!

Easter is an exciting yet busy time of the year for churches and retreat coordinators. That’s why we wanted to make it easier on you by providing a list of the 10 best Minute To Win It Easter Games! To make all of these games have that extra bit of Easter flare,...

The Three Power-People You Need On Your Team

The Three Power-People You Need On Your Team

Isolation is the enemy of success. Ivory-towers are filled with lonely, ineffective people who feel misunderstood and unappreciated. Worse yet, isolated individuals grow paranoid, fear conspiracies and resort to controlling through authority. Us/them thinking destroys...

How To Plan A Christian Youth Camp: Marketing Your Event

How To Plan A Christian Youth Camp: Marketing Your Event

When it comes to marketing your event, getting your youth involved is extremely important! They will be able to speak specifically to what would appeal to their specific audience.  That said, there are some tried and true marketing techniques that will serve you well....

How To Plan A Christian Youth Camp:  Transportation

How To Plan A Christian Youth Camp: Transportation

Possibly one of the more mundane tasks associated with planning a retreat, but you do have to figure out how your retreat attendees are getting there.  Possibly the best way to get teens from point A to point B is to take a bus or van. It fosters a feeling of...

How To Plan A Christian Youth Camp:  Activities and Games

How To Plan A Christian Youth Camp: Activities and Games

Finding the right balance of “up time” and “down time” for teenagers can be exceptionally difficult. Particularly in a culture where kids are regularly bombarded with stimulation. So, while you want your camp attendees to be engaged I would recommend banning...

The Everyday Guide to Great Youth Camp Activities

The Everyday Guide to Great Youth Camp Activities

Whether you work in a big camp or small camp, junior camp or teen camp, day camp or overnight camp, family camp or children’s camp, everyone knows one of the keys to success is great youth camp activities. Activities make camp exciting; they are the focus of the...

Jenn’s Story:  How Camp Influenced Her Life

Jenn’s Story: How Camp Influenced Her Life

When parents ask me if their kids should attend church camp, I will always emphatically say yes! I can honestly say that God worked through camp to change the course of my life. Without the Christian camp I attended, I would likely have never heard of the college I...

Refreshing Mountain

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