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RIGHT/LEFT Gift Exchange Game – The Nativity Story

RIGHT/LEFT Gift Exchange Game – The Nativity Story

God gave us a wonderful gift when He gave us His son. This game follows the gift-giving theme with a fun twist. For this Christmas story themed game guests should stand in a circle with their gifts in hand. Read the story aloud, putting emphasis on the words "RIGHT"...

5 Main Elements of a Proper Welcome Packet

5 Main Elements of a Proper Welcome Packet

If you’re not using welcome packets, you should start now! Welcome packets are a great way to kick off any event and make your guests feel both comfortable and appreciated throughout their entire experience. However, it’s essential that these packets are not merely...

4 Reasons I Had a Horrible Youth Camp Experience

4 Reasons I Had a Horrible Youth Camp Experience

When I signed up to attended youth camp last year, I wasn’t sure what to think. All of my friends told me it would be a blast and that my life would be changed forever. Unfortunately, reality was far different for me. Youth camp didn’t inspire me or radically...

Christian Event Planning Do’s and Don’ts

Christian Event Planning Do’s and Don’ts

When it comes to planning Christian group events, you always want to follow a set of proven guidelines to ensure success. In order to help you have a smoothly ran event, we've put together two quick lists to follow.   The first list covers 7 things to do or...

How to Make a Men’s Retreat that No One Will Forget

How to Make a Men’s Retreat that No One Will Forget

Today's men's retreats need to step it up a notch.  More often than not men's ministry leaders complain that setting up a weekend men's gathering is incredibly difficult.   Women's retreats tend to have no problem gaining guests, but why are men not as...

5 Best Halloween Minute To Win It Games

5 Best Halloween Minute To Win It Games

Are you looking for the perfect Halloween game for your Halloween-themed party? It's that time of the year where the weather is crisp, leaves are changing, and Halloween/Harvest parties are all the rage. Halloween parties and events are fun for everyone.  You...

How to Play Ropeless Tug of War

How to Play Ropeless Tug of War

Tug of War is one of those games that everyone has played at some point.  It’s a game loved by middle schoolers and high school teenagers where two teams compete to see who is the mightiest.  However, sometimes a [easyazon_link identifier="B00JXCKQX2" locale="US"...

Backward Charades – Something New for Youth Groups

Backward Charades – Something New for Youth Groups

Backward Charades is a unique take on the age-old party game of classic Charades, which has been played been many generations at parties and get-togethers. In this game, instead of one person trying to get their team to guess the word, your team are the ones acting...

Protect the President – A youth group appropriate game

Protect the President – A youth group appropriate game

Protect the President is a fast-paced interactive game for youth groups. This game is also known as "VIP" and is best played in groups of 6-12 players.  The game size will also depend on the size of the room that you have available.

Extreme Disc Golf – A Popular Game for Youth Groups

Extreme Disc Golf – A Popular Game for Youth Groups

Disc Golf or Frisbee Golf as it is commonly called has been around for many years and it is typically played on a course with a similar setup as a traditional golf course. Extreme Disc Golf is a unique take on Disc Golf that is played indoors and is played as a team...

Refreshing Mountain

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