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Youth Camp Games

5 Fun Games with Donuts

5 Fun Games with Donuts

Are you having a church activity soon and want to enjoy some fun food games without breaking the bank? We have you covered with these fun games with donuts! These games are both enjoyable and filling because you get to indulge in everyone’s favorite snack while having...

5 Fun Games with Chalk

5 Fun Games with Chalk

When the sun is out, it’s a perfect day for some outdoor fun that everyone can enjoy! Maybe you have an event with limited funding or you simply forgot all your game material heading out for camp.  If there’s one thing that I’ve learned, it’s that kids can have...

9 Fun Games with Blindfolds

9 Fun Games with Blindfolds

Whether it’s a group activity, team-building exercise, kid’s party, or youth camp, games are definitely one of the best ways to make any event entertaining!  But, why not spruce it up with these fun games with blindfolds?  Using blindfolds will heighten...

12 Red Solo Cup Games to Play at Your Next Event

12 Red Solo Cup Games to Play at Your Next Event

I'm sure most of us have used the classic red solo cup. They are cheap, versatile, and event-friendly. The red solo cup has been around for years and is considered a staple for church events, camping trips, lake fun, birthday parties, etc. Red solo cups have a handy...

5 Best Halloween Minute To Win It Games

5 Best Halloween Minute To Win It Games

Are you looking for the perfect Halloween game for your Halloween-themed party? It's that time of the year where the weather is crisp, leaves are changing, and Halloween/Harvest parties are all the rage. Halloween parties and events are fun for everyone.  You...

How to Play Ropeless Tug of War

How to Play Ropeless Tug of War

Tug of War is one of those games that everyone has played at some point.  It’s a game loved by middle schoolers and high school teenagers where two teams compete to see who is the mightiest.  However, sometimes a [easyazon_link identifier="B00JXCKQX2" locale="US"...

Backward Charades – Something New for Youth Groups

Backward Charades – Something New for Youth Groups

Backward Charades is a unique take on the age-old party game of classic Charades, which has been played been many generations at parties and get-togethers. In this game, instead of one person trying to get their team to guess the word, your team are the ones acting...

Protect the President – A youth group appropriate game

Protect the President – A youth group appropriate game

Protect the President is a fast-paced interactive game for youth groups. This game is also known as "VIP" and is best played in groups of 6-12 players.  The game size will also depend on the size of the room that you have available.

Extreme Disc Golf – A Popular Game for Youth Groups

Extreme Disc Golf – A Popular Game for Youth Groups

Disc Golf or Frisbee Golf as it is commonly called has been around for many years and it is typically played on a course with a similar setup as a traditional golf course. Extreme Disc Golf is a unique take on Disc Golf that is played indoors and is played as a team...

Deathball – A New Kind of Youth Group Game

Deathball – A New Kind of Youth Group Game

Introduction to Deathball While the origins of the game are a bit murky and not really fully clear, the concept has been around for centuries and has been played by youth groups all over the world. The game of Deathball can be played by any number of kids, but it is...

Refreshing Mountain

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